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2 years mewing m14

ion even know if it worked or not it was prolly just puberty
I believe that being aware of your tongue posture makes you aware of your breathing and ENSURES that your breathing is nasal.

breathing MUST ALWAYS BE THROUGH THE NOSE and never do it through the mouth as this is stressful for your body and secretes a lot of stress hormones that ruin your appearance.

however, the tongue posture still works and makes our upper jaw develop forward.
"Mewing" alone will not cause you to develop a giant Gigachad jaw because this depends on other factors as well.

things you can do right now to increase your jawline:

-Vitamin D3 and K2
-Chew more
-increase testosterone and DHT levels
-More calcium
-Citrus fruits: Inositol
You are at the peak ages of puberty

Holy low IQ for calling it mewing
been on it bro benching 160 rn
i started at 14 too. word of advice, never ever fast or do caloric restrictions to lose body fat till you are at least 18. if you do it during puberty ur stunting your development, especially facial development.
i started at 14 too. word of advice, never ever fast or do caloric restrictions to lose body fat till you are at least 18. if you do it during puberty ur stunting your development, especially facial development.
As long as I eat enough calorie wise I should be good with the fasting too no? Like if I maintain a 16/8 fast while consuming enough calories in that 8 hours that I should be normally then it shouldn't be bad for my development right? So this way my body gets what it needs so I can enjoy both the natural development of my body and the fat loss thanks to fasting.
As long as I eat enough calorie wise I should be good with the fasting too no? Like if I maintain a 16/8 fast while consuming enough calories in that 8 hours that I should be normally then it shouldn't be bad for my development right? So this way my body gets what it needs so I can enjoy both the natural development of my body and the fat loss thanks to fasting.
intermittent fasting is okay. i do it myself. just dont go over 16 hours or your body will go in stress mode and cortisol will skyrocket, and testosterone will tank, even if you get enough calories in your eating window.