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4th days trying to debloat...sadly i look worse than before.


Well-known member
Established ★
Dec 22, 2024
Idk in the mirror in my bathroom I looked good but when I tried to take pictures it looked bad despite I took the pics in the mirror's position.
Then I tried near the window but it is cloudy outside. Idk why tf my phone camera softens the colours and contours. I searched it online and it seems to be a real thing.
Side profile is as worse as it can be but I need to get home to see it in the mirror.
You look good girl! Don’t stress too much about it, stress ain’t good if u want to debloat
View attachment 77095
Idk in the mirror in my bathroom I looked good but when I tried to take pictures it looked bad despite I took the pics in the mirror's position.
Then I tried near the window but it is cloudy outside. Idk why tf my phone camera softens the colours and contours. I searched it online and it seems to be a real thing.
Side profile is as worse as it can be but I need to get home to see it in the mirror.
send a straight front and an actual side.Your eye area is nowhere near softmaxxed
You look good girl! Don’t stress too much about it, stress ain’t good if u want to debloat
It is not about is just that my shitty phone doesn't capture the same thing as the mirror. I know this is "cope" but idk how others have such quality selfies and mine are flat and soft. Seeing my grad pics didn t help either😥
View attachment 77095
Idk in the mirror in my bathroom I looked good but when I tried to take pictures it looked bad despite I took the pics in the mirror's position.
Then I tried near the window but it is cloudy outside. Idk why tf my phone camera softens the colours and contours. I searched it online and it seems to be a real thing.
Side profile is as worse as it can be but I need to get home to see it in the mirror.
There you are. Being Ela again. Why don't you take a break sometime?
View attachment 77095
Idk in the mirror in my bathroom I looked good but when I tried to take pictures it looked bad despite I took the pics in the mirror's position.
Then I tried near the window but it is cloudy outside. Idk why tf my phone camera softens the colours and contours. I searched it online and it seems to be a real thing.
Side profile is as worse as it can be but I need to get home to see it in the mirror.
Holy fuck you’re attractive
View attachment 77095
Idk in the mirror in my bathroom I looked good but when I tried to take pictures it looked bad despite I took the pics in the mirror's position.
Then I tried near the window but it is cloudy outside. Idk why tf my phone camera softens the colours and contours. I searched it online and it seems to be a real thing.
Side profile is as worse as it can be but I need to get home to see it in the mirror.
With all due respect, it’s been 4 days. Processes like these take time and often feel like you’re taking one step forward then two steps back. I wouldn’t stress so much about, you’ll be fine trust me
With all due respect, it’s been 4 days. Processes like these take time and often feel like you’re taking one step forward then two steps back. I wouldn’t stress so much about, you’ll be fine trust me
I get it. I am just really frustrated.
View attachment 77095
Idk in the mirror in my bathroom I looked good but when I tried to take pictures it looked bad despite I took the pics in the mirror's position.
Then I tried near the window but it is cloudy outside. Idk why tf my phone camera softens the colours and contours. I searched it online and it seems to be a real thing.
Side profile is as worse as it can be but I need to get home to see it in the mirror.
it looks you’re about to cry + u have a massive pimple on your lip
3 8 9 26 31 pics that u look good.Smile a little pal
31, 26 no makeup.
3, 8, 9 eyeliner and something for the lip colour. I was supposed to have mascara too but it was old and barely worked.