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5 YEAR transformation


Active member
Dec 29, 2023
All natural, No surgery
Mewing fixed my scoliosis (HARD)


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  • #21
Okay depressed super sad uglycel 😭🤣
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  • #23


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First pic is a selfie I just took rn, no makeup, lemme hear more some more hate
Honestly to me the selfie without make up is most attractive. But women without make up who have natural beauty are high appeal for me. So don't take my word for it.
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  • #33
rename it "5 years growing up transformation"

Idek what mewing or looksmaxxing is tbh I’ve just been lying this whole time. but no yea it’s all just genetics, y’all really shouldn’t get all tied up in this looksmaxxing stuff tbh… it’s pure delusion. Just accept and love yourself for who you are and I promise, the one for you won’t mind your unsharpend unrefined looks at all ❤️🤍


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Idek what mewing or looksmaxxing is tbh I’ve just been lying this whole time. but no yea it’s all just genetics, y’all really shouldn’t get all tied up in this looksmaxxing stuff tbh… it’s pure delusion. Just accept and love yourself for who you are and I promise, the one for you won’t mind your unsharpend unrefined looks at all ❤️🤍
Naturally, this would be true. However, we are forced to live unnaturally, leading to this need of self improvement
Idek what mewing or looksmaxxing is tbh I’ve just been lying this whole time. but no yea it’s all just genetics, y’all really shouldn’t get all tied up in this looksmaxxing stuff tbh… it’s pure delusion. Just accept and love yourself for who you are and I promise, the one for you won’t mind your unsharpend unrefined looks at all ❤️🤍
ngl these are some swaggy pics but looksmaxxing does work. It is for people who just want to improve. It's important that you don't over obsess with it though.
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  • #37
ngl these are some swaggy pics but looksmaxxing does work. It is for people who just want to improve. It's important that you don't over obsess with it though.
I know I’ve been doing it for 5 years, it’s helped heal my scoliosis. I was being sarcastic lol also I kinda had to obsess over it in order to make the drastic bone change.
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  • #40
ngl these are some swaggy pics but looksmaxxing does work. It is for people who just want to improve. It's important that you don't over obsess with it though.
First pic is a selfie I just took rn, no makeup,
Also I have always been naturally good at makeup
Can you stop replying lexaine I’m sick of seeing this thread thank you!!!
You can Unwatch the thread sis
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  • #49
The lighting ia way better, the photos are more professional. You changed nothing about your inferior bones, mewing does nothing at your age.
My interior bones will never be any of your business perv
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