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5'2 at 14 am I cooked


New member
Jan 10, 2024
I need help on how to grow taller, what supplements should I buy and what are the prices, I would also like to know how to get thicker eyebrows please help.
I need help on how to grow taller, what supplements should I buy and what are the prices, I would also like to know how to get thicker eyebrows please help.
For thicker eyebrows just age, if they arent fixed by 18 from increased test get minox
You need an aromatase inhibitor so your plates dont close
Test e is good option, but you likely need more specific heightmaxxing drugs
Dont bother with supps, most are cope
For diet, consume animal based (meat, eggs, fish, organs) consume high glycemic complex carbohydrates as well, along with raw milk
For thicker eyebrows just age, if they arent fixed by 18 from increased test get minox
You need an aromatase inhibitor so your plates dont close
Test e is good option, but you likely need more specific heightmaxxing drugs
Dont bother with supps, most are cope
For diet, consume animal based (meat, eggs, fish, organs) consume high glycemic complex carbohydrates as well, along with raw milk
👆 But yeah if 5'2 as a guy you need to see an endocrinologist asap
If not hgh deficiency you could try "ogremaxxing" and get acromegalic levels of hgh to become taller but I would 100% reccomend an AI, It would most likely be better than 5'2-5'6 whatever your determined height is. This is risky though and yes you will shorten your lifespan. Honestly theres not much I can give from here as theres no determined properties of your physiological state. Or even factors such as your genes, bone age, deficiencies, diet. If you really dont want to end up being manlet you're gonna have to find out what's right for you and the best route to take, bc who knows you could inject 12 iu hgh a day with 25 mg asin or even run test at 15 and still end up below 5'6 but you removed 20 years off your lifespan because your genetics are the lower quality. Educate yourself from and outside these forums.
For thicker eyebrows just age, if they arent fixed by 18 from increased test get minox
You need an aromatase inhibitor so your plates dont close
Test e is good option, but you likely need more specific heightmaxxing drugs
Dont bother with supps, most are cope
For diet, consume animal based (meat, eggs, fish, organs) consume high glycemic complex carbohydrates as well, along with raw milk

try to find an online source for pharmagrade hgh. this might be tough for a 14 year old tho but if ur serious about height growth.
run a light anti-estrogen like whitepill said. it slows growthplate closure.

and lastly diet. you should be eating a fuckton of whole high protein food. ur gonna mog

this may sound drastic but trust its relatively safe if you have someone monitoring you

try to find an online source for pharmagrade hgh. this might be tough for a 14 year old tho but if ur serious about height growth.
run a light anti-estrogen like whitepill said. it slows growthplate closure.

and lastly diet. you should be eating a fuckton of whole high protein food. ur gonna mog

this may sound drastic but trust its relatively safe if you have someone monitoring you
if his parents dont help him he wont afford shit, hgh is cope under 15 iu
I need help on how to grow taller, what supplements should I buy and what are the prices, I would also like to know how to get thicker eyebrows please help.
Limb lengthening surgery gain 6 inches of height for 6 less years of your lifespan as a future tallcel sounds like a major L imo
Hey man the bad news is your below the average height for your age, the good news is because your still 14 if you take action now you can grow taller. You need to stimulate your IGF1 receptors as much as possible for the next few years if you want to maximize your height growth. DM me on telegram @ barnmatrix and I can help make you a stack to get taller.
I need help on how to grow taller, what supplements should I buy and what are the prices, I would also like to know how to get thicker eyebrows please help.
For thicker eyebrows u can use castor oil just rub a bit into ur eyebrow before u go to sleep and they’ll grow
I need help on how to grow taller, what supplements should I buy and what are the prices, I would also like to know how to get thicker eyebrows please help.
Hey bro, I started heightmaxing about a year later than you and while I was a bit taller I was still way below average and now I'm 6'1. The bad news is your below average height, the good news is you can still grow and with the right stack you can change your adult height. If you want me to custom build you a stack based on your budget message me on telegram @ barnmatrix and ill help you out