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Discussion 5'8 chad or 6'3 mtn

5'8 chad with appeal gets more girls

unless exceptionally short Chad cannot be "manlet" he can only be "cute and approachable"


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6’3 mtn for marriage cuz I don’t want my sons to face bullying
But if it’s dating then the chad for sure
If your brother is tall then you're fine. Most males get pretty much most genetics from their mothers. There's a reason why the short mom tall dad short son meme exists.
If your brother is tall then you're fine. Most males get pretty much most genetics from their mothers. There's a reason why the short mom tall dad short son meme exists.
Okay my brother is 186cm I think we’re gucci 😍 so I’ll take the short chad 🥰
Okay my brother is 186cm I think we’re gucci 😍 so I’ll take the short chad 🥰
A male child is the average height of the men in his mother's family. So let's say for example the mom is 5'4 and dad is 5'10 if the mother's male siblings are all between 5'7-5'9 the kid will end up being in that range.
A male child is the average height of the men in his mother's family. So let's say for example the mom is 5'4 and dad is 5'10 if the mother's male siblings are all between 5'7-5'9 the kid will end up being in that range.
😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 the tall mtn then im 5’3 on a good day
There's a reason why the short mom tall dad short son meme exists.
Not true. My father is 180cm, my mother (rip mom) was 170cm and i'm 188cm and i mog her pos of a brother, who is ~183cm
I was starving myself around 12-15 😔 my sisters r like 5’5 and 5’7 i think
Yeah your kids will probably end up tall tbh i was joking. If your brother is 6'1 and sisters 5'7, son will be like 6' daughter like 5'6
Yeah your kids will probably end up tall tbh i was joking. If your brother is 6'1 and sisters 5'7, son will be like 6' daughter like 5'6
Lowkey had me worried I’d end up in a Snow White and 7 dwarves situation 😩
Lowkey had me worried I’d end up in a Snow White and 7 dwarves situation 😩
Tbh a man's genetics are borderline useless in procreation. Pretty much everything that makes a man attractive is largely based off of his mother's genetics, so height, facial structure, beard, and even dick is based off of what the final height, face, beard and dick of her brothers is.
Tbh a man's genetics are borderline useless in procreation. Pretty much everything that makes a man attractive is largely based off of his mother's genetics, so height, facial structure, beard, and even dick is based off of what the final height, face, beard and dick of her brothers is.
Fml 🤦🏻‍♀️ my son is gonna be balding and colorblind 😢😢😢
Yeah your kids will probably end up tall tbh i was joking. If your brother is 6'1 and sisters 5'7, son will be like 6' daughter like 5'6
just have good recombination + find about lookism at 14 tbh
My mother is 147-150cm Im not sure probably around 147 since she's shrinking and my dad at 5'11, I grew to 184, but also you have to consider I ran 10-12 iu hgh + 12.5mg asin for a year and a half till the start of this year. Also hard to gauge whether I grew genetically or if the pinning did contribute.
just have good recombination + find about lookism at 14 tbh
My mother is 147-150cm Im not sure probably around 147 since she's shrinking and my dad at 5'11, I grew to 184, but also you have to consider I ran 10-12 iu hgh + 12.5mg asin for a year and a half till the start of this year. Also hard to gauge whether I grew genetically or if the pinning did contribute.
Yeah my mother is 4'11 and my dad is like 5'2 and i'm currently 5'8.
It's probably the shortest you can be as a man, below that it's trickier and you have to compensate by having a top percentile face.
In the next 10 years 6 feet will be considered as manlet by women
170cm is already short for most women
Depends where you live tbh. In the netherlands and anywhere where the average height is 5'10-5'11 i agree. but if the average height is 5'9 5'7 can get a pass
Bold to you to assume that women haven't delulu standards worldwide nowadays
Best to fraud w lifts and hats + shoulder pads
Shoulder pads? My frame is decent tbh for my age range atleast. I should probably fraud though. I was stoked when i grew to 5'8 just to realise it's still a shit height. Last time i made the wrong decision to not get shoes with thick insoles because my feet had recently grew by like 2 sizes so i wanted to make sure that i got a new pair of shoes that 100% fit me right and not need to worry about open space especially since i dont think i understood how insoles worked back then.
Bold to you to assume that women haven't delulu standards worldwide nowadays
Here i see the oddest couple matches, if i were to say them you'd think im larping or not. I've seen guys that are much shorter than the average guy here (5'10) get with average looking girls.
Shoulder pads? My frame is decent tbh for my age range atleast. I should probably fraud though. I was stoked when i grew to 5'8 just to realise it's still a shit height. Last time i made the wrong decision to not get shoes with thick insoles because my feet had recently grew by like 2 sizes so i wanted to make sure that i got a new pair of shoes that 100% fit me right and not need to worry about open space especially since i dont think i understood how insoles worked back then.
How old are you?
Also not sure if this has anything to do with it, but my hands also grew alot during this period of time. Pretty sure if i went to get an xray they'd get an xray of my hand anyways.
damn lifefuel
Yeah it was huge lifefuel for me tbh, not even height wise. I'm almost certain my hands didnt grow from ages 10-16, but it's true. my hands were ridicously small for my height
what's your handsize1737842964902.png
Measured it again, maybe 15.5cm or low 16cm?