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Serious 7 Weeks of Aggressive leanmaxxing


Bonesmashing Everyday Until I Get Lean
Jun 14, 2024
Started Aggresively Leanmaxxing 49 days ago on 1500 and below calories a day. My experience? So far I’ve lost 20 pounds. For reference, I’m a 6’3 Male, started at 210 and am currently at 190. I can’t reveal my age, but I am under the age of 18 is all I can say. I started walking 10-11k steps daily in January, and I’ve been doing light weight lifting for a few months now, and started taking it somewhat seriously a few weeks before I started leanmaxxing aggressively. An average day of eating for me would be about 1400 calories and 90 grams of protein, fat and carbs is entirely dependent on everything Else. I go to sleep at 9 PM and wake up at 7 AM.

In terms of body fat %, I can’t really estimate much but I’d say I dropped from around 22-23% to 20%. No loose skin, cellulite, or anything like that. I include a 24 hour dry fast once every week which nets about a pound lost from the day alone. Haven’t lost any muscle, I don’t have much to begin with as I am skinny fat. However, if anything i’ve even gained muscle as I slowly see my bicep peak more and more when before, they were entirely flat.

My libido is the same, extrmely horny and hard 24/7. I naturally have low blood pressure, it has gotten worse with the aggressive deficit and I do get dizzy when I get out of bed but that’s about it. My body has recently started to fatigue, but in fairness I have been exercising daily at a high level for a few months now + where I live it’s burning hot so I don’t think it’s entirely because of the low calories. My energy is quite inconsistent because I don’t get full REM sleep due to living in a shitty household. Unfortunately, I can’t do anything about that so i’m always tired unless the house is empty and quiet when I go to sleep.

I’m going to keep going until August 15 then slowly add 50 calories a day until I start eating an average of 2000 a day, and I will up the steps to 12.5k and add a bit more weight lifting.

So far, everything’s good and the complete opposite of what idiots on .org said about aggressively cutting. The benefits so far have outweighed the negatives by a million times.

And lastly, I’m only doing this because i’m already 6’3 and want to lose weight quickly over the summer. I truly don’t give a fuck about stunting muh growth or whatever because I’ve practically finished puberty already.
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I should also add that I haven’t measured my ratios or hips or waist or whatever. My family started noticing the weight loss about 4 weeks in, and what i’ve heard from them so far is that my face and jaw has gotten sharper and my jawline is more V like, and that i’m getting skinny. My father doesn’t care about me, but my mother is concerned with my fasting and my 24 hour dry fasts, but she’s accepting of it for the most part and continues to let me do it. All of my siblings support my fasting and have wnated to copy it aswell.
I am gonna cut too but probably not in such an extreme manner
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Good work man. What race?
100% Mexican, but I look more middle eastern, like Lebanese, rather than a short brown Mexican.
Started Aggresively Leanmaxxing 49 days ago on 1500 and below calories a day. My experience? So far I’ve lost 20 pounds. For reference, I’m a 6’3 Male, started at 210 and am currently at 190. I can’t reveal my age, but I am under the age of 18 is all I can say. I started walking 10-11k steps daily in January, and I’ve been doing light weight lifting for a few months now, and started taking it somewhat seriously a few weeks before I started leanmaxxing aggressively. An average day of eating for me would be about 1400 calories and 90 grams of protein, fat and carbs is entirely dependent on everything Else. I go to sleep at 9 PM and wake up at 7 AM.

In terms of body fat %, I can’t really estimate much but I’d say I dropped from around 22-23% to 20%. No loose skin, cellulite, or anything like that. I include a 24 hour dry fast once every week which nets about a pound lost from the day alone. Haven’t lost any muscle, I don’t have much to begin with as I am skinny fat. However, if anything i’ve even gained muscle as I slowly see my bicep peak more and more when before, they were entirely flat.

My libido is the same, extrmely horny and hard 24/7. I naturally have low blood pressure, it has gotten worse with the aggressive deficit and I do get dizzy when I get out of bed but that’s about it. My body has recently started to fatigue, but in fairness I have been exercising daily at a high level for a few months now + where I live it’s burning hot so I don’t think it’s entirely because of the low calories. My energy is quite inconsistent because I don’t get full REM sleep due to living in a shitty household. Unfortunately, I can’t do anything about that so i’m always tired unless the house is empty and quiet when I go to sleep.

I’m going to keep going until August 15 then slowly add 50 calories a day until I start eating an average of 2000 a day, and I will up the steps to 12.5k and add a bit more weight lifting.

So far, everything’s good and the complete opposite of what idiots on .org said about aggressively cutting. The benefits so far have outweighed the negatives by a million times.

And lastly, I’m only doing this because i’m already 6’3 and want to lose weight quickly over the summer. I truly don’t give a f**k about stunting muh growth or whatever because I’ve practically finished puberty already.
good for u man
for other guys who are young and likely not done w puberty tho probably not the best idea
this nga is already over 6ft so doesnt really matter 😂
