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Guide A complete guide to peptides.


Road to HTN/6ft
Jan 13, 2025
MTN Hell
Like the titles suggests, this is a complete beginners guide to peptides. Lets begin.

(only mentioning relevant or useful peptides, not no bullshit like MOTS-c or whatever..
this is also assuming you find a good source for all of these peptides, not Chinese rat piss.)

Thread Music:
(set to low volume)

Rating System

1-5/10: Useless, little to no positives.
6-7/10: Decent, not too good or bad.
8/10: Pretty good, not the best either.

9/10: Incredible, almost perfect.

MK-677 (Ibutamoren)


Very common and popular amongst the PSL community as well as the gymceling community and even competitive sports.
Mainly used for many things like height optimization, increasing hunger, gym gains, athletic performance, increased recovery,
or even a slight energy boost. This compound is taken orally which makes it very beginner friendly, and usually ran at dosages
between 10-40mg a day (typically before bed to act synergically with the bodies natural release of growth hormone). This
compound raises IGF-1 and GH by mimicking ghrelin, a hunger hormone, which signals to the pituitary gland to release more
Growth hormone. This often leads to more water retention (bloating), increased hunger, etc.


MK-677: 7/10
Not too good, not bad either, average.

Source 1
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Source 3

CJC-1295 (DAC or NO DAC)


Also a very well known peptide amongst top athletes, PSL heightmaxxers, and bodybuilders/gymcels as well. This is basically
mk-677 but actually effective. This drug is used for its ability to significantly raise growth hormone by 2-10 times! this peptide is
used for: height optimization, muscle recovery, better sleep, fat loss, better athletic performance, etc. The thing with this drug, as
with any other good drug, it cannot be abused continuously like mk-677, due to its extremely strong GH and IGF-1 elevation, which
will result in your pituitary gland being fried and being desensitized to this peptide, making it useless after a while. Running this
peptide continuously can also lead to increase of prolactin and cortisol, as well as joint pain, etc. The difference between DAC, and
no DAC, is the extreme difference in half life. DAC has a half life of 6 to 8 days! while no DAC has a half life of 30-60 minutes, however
this doesn't mean DAC is necessarily more effective, no DAC mimics GH pulses more accurately and is more localized to the time
period injected. CJC is usually dosed at 100-200mcg 2-3x daily with no DAC, 1-4g 1-2x weekly with DAC.


CJC-1295: 8.5/10
Amazing, very good and effective, has its cons though.

Source 1
Source 2



Not as known as other staples in the PSL community like HGH or mk677, but still relatively known. This drug is still used within gymcels, heightmaxxers, athletes, etc. This drug is just straight up IGF-1, which by default makes it 10x more effective than any other stimulant compound due to you being in full control by the results. When your taking CJC, or Mk677, its completely up to your genes how much IGF-1 or HGH will be elevated, but with injecting IGF-1, your in full control with how much IGF-1 is in your body, as your directly injecting this shit into your body, as with testosterone, growth hormone, you get the point. This, along with test, and GH is the BEST peptide for craniofacial bone growth (potentially better than the other 2). The main difference between LR3 and DES is the half life, and systemic effects. LR3 has a half life of 20-30 hours! while DES has a half life of 20-30 minutes, leading to you having to inject more frequently.


IGF-1 LR3/DES: 9/10
Excellent, very good and effective, very serious cons though.

Source 1
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Source 3

Melanotan 2


Pretty well known in the PSL community due to its effectiveness in achieving a healthy and glowing tan, typically used amongst
whites. This peptide works by stimulating melanocortin, leading to melanin production. Typically dosed at around 0.25-1mg every few days. I don't see this drug being anymore effective than just getting some sunlight, or even using a fake tanner as both of those don't
run the risk of nausea or vomiting, as well as being 10x healthier. The only circumstance one should really use this is if the area you
live in doesn't have much sun, but if it does then your just retarted for using this.


Melanotan 2: 4/10

Can only see someone using this if their location has no sun, other than that its useless.

Source 1
Source 2



One of the less known peptides in the autist PSL community we all know and love. Mainly used in athletes, and bodybuilders due to its healthy recovery benefit. However PSL n*****s are catching on to this and have begun using this for potential bone growth. This drug works by promoting tissue repair in the tendons/ligaments, muscle, and bone by stimulating angiogenesis. This drug can be useful for heightmaxxing, and bone maxxing, neuroprotective benefits, etc, but it isn't the best option for all 3 of these things, what it is best for is recovery and tissue repair. Usually dosed at around 200-500mcg daily, split up by 1-2injections per day. I can see mainly athletes using this more than any other community, however for you (an assumed looksmaxxer), it doesn't have any special benefits to offer to you, other than of course, chad-tier recovery. This can also be taken orally if it matters


BPC-157: 7/10
Bang average, nothing too special, nor bad either.

Source 1
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Source 3

GHRP-2 & 6


Also relatively well known in our PSL autist community. This peptide works similarly to CJC-1295 by releasing GH and IGF-1, and also somewhat similar to MK-677 as well due to it binding to the ghrelin receptor, also increasing appetite (like Mk-677). GHRP has a shorter half life than CJC-1295, but offers a faster GH release, which can be both good or bad depending on the context. CJC-1295 has a more consistent GH release as well, which can make a difference depending on ones individual goals. You will have to inject GHRP more frequently than CJC though. GHRP can be used for heightmaxxing, pubertymaxxing, athletic performance, gymceling, etc. Its also a combination of both CJC and MK-677, by offering increased appetite + stimulating the pituitary gland to release GH. This peptide is typically dosed at around 100-300mcg, 1-3x daily. GHRP 2 and 6 have they're differences, but not too contrast to really be worth mentioning.


GHRP 2-6: 8/10
Nothing CJC cant offer, not bad either.

Source 1
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Source 3

HGH (Human Growth Hormone)


Not only the most known and popular peptide in the PSL community, its the most known overall drug in the PSL community, and

thats for a reason. Am sure alot of us are aware of how good this shit is, especially if you find a good source for this shit. The best heightmaxxing drug known to man, self explanatory why. Extremely popular amongst looksmaxxers, athletes, and bodybuilders.
There isn't a mechanism I can explain for how this peptide works, as the peptide itself is the actual hormone were looking to
maximize, HGH. This drug offers amazing recovery, height optimization, facial bone growth, tissue repair, and more. Its typically
dosed around 3-10 IU every day or every other day depending on an individuals goals, context, and starting point. However, as much
as I have been dick riding this drug, it has some very serious side effects like carpal tunnel syndrome, acromegaly, etc. But they can be
controlled as long as your over double digit IQ.


HGH: 9.5/10

Best peptide out there, almost perfect. Very serious side effects though.

Source 1
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Source 4


Ascension as a result of this:


As teens never have blasted peptides or roids during puberty before, coming across examples of success stories of roiding during puberty
are scarce. However here we have probably one of the first people in PSL history (or all of history for that matter) to blast roids throughout puberty for looksmaxxing exclusively, Loox/Androgenic. As you can see, he clearly has gained bone mass in his zygos/cheekbone area, stronger chin, more prominent mandible, and it seems like even his clavicles have gotten wider. One might say he is frauding, but you cant fraud that much chin projection, muscle mass alone cant be credited for his 24 inch bidelt, and you cant label it as "leaning out" as he was already lean in the before picture. He also grew up to 6'4, one might say muh genetics, which yes, the way his body responded to peptides were genetics, but I think its safe to say we can credit alot of his ascension to roiding throughout puberty.

So what the fuck are you waiting for? go roid my friend!

Tagging the bros:
@AverageMoroccan @97baHater @N30N @Clone @AJis18 @HDm7CoQ @gangiewangie
Like the titles suggests, this is a complete beginners guide to peptides. Lets begin.

(only mentioning relevant or useful peptides, not no bullshit like MOTS-c or whatever..
this is also assuming you find a good source for all of these peptides, not Chinese rat piss.)

Thread Music:
(set to low volume)

Rating System

1-5/10: Useless, little to no positives.
6-7/10: Decent, not too good or bad.
8/10: Pretty good, not the best either.

9/10: Incredible, almost perfect.

MK-677 (Ibutamoren)

View attachment 75625

Very common and popular amongst the PSL community as well as the gymceling community and even competitive sports.
Mainly used for many things like height optimization, increasing hunger, gym gains, athletic performance, increased recovery,
or even a slight energy boost. This compound is taken orally which makes it very beginner friendly, and usually ran at dosages
between 10-40mg a day (typically before bed to act synergically with the bodies natural release of growth hormone). This
compound raises IGF-1 and GH by mimicking ghrelin, a hunger hormone, which signals to the pituitary gland to release more
Growth hormone. This often leads to more water retention (bloating), increased hunger, etc.

View attachment 75648

MK-677: 7/10
Not too good, not bad either, average.

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Source 3

CJC-1295 (DAC or NO DAC)

View attachment 75626

Also a very well known peptide amongst top athletes, PSL heightmaxxers, and bodybuilders/gymcels as well. This is basically
mk-677 but actually effective. This drug is used for its ability to significantly raise growth hormone by 2-10 times! this peptide is
used for: height optimization, muscle recovery, better sleep, fat loss, better athletic performance, etc. The thing with this drug, as
with any other good drug, it cannot be abused continuously like mk-677, due to its extremely strong GH and IGF-1 elevation, which
will result in your pituitary gland being fried and being desensitized to this peptide, making it useless after a while. Running this
peptide continuously can also lead to increase of prolactin and cortisol, as well as joint pain, etc. The difference between DAC, and
no DAC, is the extreme difference in half life. DAC has a half life of 6 to 8 days! while no DAC has a half life of 30-60 minutes, however
this doesn't mean DAC is necessarily more effective, no DAC mimics GH pulses more accurately and is more localized to the time
period injected. CJC is usually dosed at 100-200mcg 2-3x daily with no DAC, 1-4g 1-2x weekly with DAC.

View attachment 75649

CJC-1295: 8.5/10
Amazing, very good and effective, has its cons though.

Source 1
Source 2


View attachment 75627

Not as known as other staples in the PSL community like HGH or mk677, but still relatively known. This drug is still used within gymcels, heightmaxxers, athletes, etc. This drug is just straight up IGF-1, which by default makes it 10x more effective than any other stimulant compound due to you being in full control by the results. When your taking CJC, or Mk677, its completely up to your genes how much IGF-1 or HGH will be elevated, but with injecting IGF-1, your in full control with how much IGF-1 is in your body, as your directly injecting this shit into your body, as with testosterone, growth hormone, you get the point. This, along with test, and GH is the BEST peptide for craniofacial bone growth (potentially better than the other 2). The main difference between LR3 and DES is the half life, and systemic effects. LR3 has a half life of 20-30 hours! while DES has a half life of 20-30 minutes, leading to you having to inject more frequently.

View attachment 75650

IGF-1 LR3/DES: 9/10
Excellent, very good and effective, very serious cons though.

Source 1
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Source 3

Melanotan 2

View attachment 75628

Pretty well known in the PSL community due to its effectiveness in achieving a healthy and glowing tan, typically used amongst
whites. This peptide works by stimulating melanocortin, leading to melanin production. Typically dosed at around 0.25-1mg every few days. I don't see this drug being anymore effective than just getting some sunlight, or even using a fake tanner as both of those don't
run the risk of nausea or vomiting, as well as being 10x healthier. The only circumstance one should really use this is if the area you
live in doesn't have much sun, but if it does then your just retarted for using this.

View attachment 75654

Melanotan 2: 4/10

Can only see someone using this if their location has no sun, other than that its useless.

Source 1
Source 2


View attachment 75629

One of the less known peptides in the autist PSL community we all know and love. Mainly used in athletes, and bodybuilders due to its healthy recovery benefit. However PSL n*****s are catching on to this and have begun using this for potential bone growth. This drug works by promoting tissue repair in the tendons/ligaments, muscle, and bone by stimulating angiogenesis. This drug can be useful for heightmaxxing, and bone maxxing, neuroprotective benefits, etc, but it isn't the best option for all 3 of these things, what it is best for is recovery and tissue repair. Usually dosed at around 200-500mcg daily, split up by 1-2injections per day. I can see mainly athletes using this more than any other community, however for you (an assumed looksmaxxer), it doesn't have any special benefits to offer to you, other than of course, chad-tier recovery. This can also be taken orally if it matters

View attachment 75655

BPC-157: 7/10
Bang average, nothing too special, nor bad either.

Source 1
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Source 3

GHRP-2 & 6

View attachment 75633

Also relatively well known in our PSL autist community. This peptide works similarly to CJC-1295 by releasing GH and IGF-1, and also somewhat similar to MK-677 as well due to it binding to the ghrelin receptor, also increasing appetite (like Mk-677). GHRP has a shorter half life than CJC-1295, but offers a faster GH release, which can be both good or bad depending on the context. CJC-1295 has a more consistent GH release as well, which can make a difference depending on ones individual goals. You will have to inject GHRP more frequently than CJC though. GHRP can be used for heightmaxxing, pubertymaxxing, athletic performance, gymceling, etc. Its also a combination of both CJC and MK-677, by offering increased appetite + stimulating the pituitary gland to release GH. This peptide is typically dosed at around 100-300mcg, 1-3x daily. GHRP 2 and 6 have they're differences, but not too contrast to really be worth mentioning.

View attachment 75656

GHRP 2-6: 8/10
Nothing CJC cant offer, not bad either.

Source 1
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Source 3

HGH (Human Growth Hormone)

View attachment 75639

Not only the most known and popular peptide in the PSL community, its the most known overall drug in the PSL community, and

thats for a reason. Am sure alot of us are aware of how good this shit is, especially if you find a good source for this shit. The best heightmaxxing drug known to man, self explanatory why. Extremely popular amongst looksmaxxers, athletes, and bodybuilders.
There isn't a mechanism I can explain for how this peptide works, as the peptide itself is the actual hormone were looking to
maximize, HGH. This drug offers amazing recovery, height optimization, facial bone growth, tissue repair, and more. Its typically
dosed around 3-10 IU every day or every other day depending on an individuals goals, context, and starting point. However, as much
as I have been dick riding this drug, it has some very serious side effects like carpal tunnel syndrome, acromegaly, etc. But they can be
controlled as long as your over double digit IQ.

View attachment 75657

HGH: 9.5/10

Best peptide out there, almost perfect. Very serious side effects though.

Source 1
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Source 3
Source 4


View attachment 75670
Ascension as a result of this:

View attachment 75676View attachment 75675
View attachment 75678View attachment 75679

As teens never have blasted peptides or roids during puberty before, coming across examples of success stories of roiding during puberty
are scarce. However here we have probably one of the first people in PSL history (or all of history for that matter) to blast roids throughout puberty for looksmaxxing exclusively, Loox/Androgenic. As you can see, he clearly has gained bone mass in his zygos/cheekbone area, stronger chin, more prominent mandible, and it seems like even his clavicles have gotten wider. One might say he is frauding, but you cant fraud that much chin projection, muscle mass alone cant be credited for his 24 inch bidelt, and you cant label it as "leaning out" as he was already lean in the before picture. He also grew up to 6'4, one might say muh genetics, which yes, the way his body responded to peptides were genetics, but I think its safe to say we can credit alot of his ascension to roiding throughout puberty.

So what the fuck are you waiting for? go roid my friend!

Tagging the bros:
@AverageMoroccan @97baHater @N30N @Clone @AJis18 @HDm7CoQ @gangiewangie

Mirin effort and info. but I'm not going to do this shit in my life.
Like the titles suggests, this is a complete beginners guide to peptides. Lets begin.

(only mentioning relevant or useful peptides, not no bullshit like MOTS-c or whatever..
this is also assuming you find a good source for all of these peptides, not Chinese rat piss.)

Thread Music:
(set to low volume)

Rating System

1-5/10: Useless, little to no positives.
6-7/10: Decent, not too good or bad.
8/10: Pretty good, not the best either.

9/10: Incredible, almost perfect.

MK-677 (Ibutamoren)

View attachment 75625

Very common and popular amongst the PSL community as well as the gymceling community and even competitive sports.
Mainly used for many things like height optimization, increasing hunger, gym gains, athletic performance, increased recovery,
or even a slight energy boost. This compound is taken orally which makes it very beginner friendly, and usually ran at dosages
between 10-40mg a day (typically before bed to act synergically with the bodies natural release of growth hormone). This
compound raises IGF-1 and GH by mimicking ghrelin, a hunger hormone, which signals to the pituitary gland to release more
Growth hormone. This often leads to more water retention (bloating), increased hunger, etc.

View attachment 75648

MK-677: 7/10
Not too good, not bad either, average.

Source 1
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Source 3

CJC-1295 (DAC or NO DAC)

View attachment 75626

Also a very well known peptide amongst top athletes, PSL heightmaxxers, and bodybuilders/gymcels as well. This is basically
mk-677 but actually effective. This drug is used for its ability to significantly raise growth hormone by 2-10 times! this peptide is
used for: height optimization, muscle recovery, better sleep, fat loss, better athletic performance, etc. The thing with this drug, as
with any other good drug, it cannot be abused continuously like mk-677, due to its extremely strong GH and IGF-1 elevation, which
will result in your pituitary gland being fried and being desensitized to this peptide, making it useless after a while. Running this
peptide continuously can also lead to increase of prolactin and cortisol, as well as joint pain, etc. The difference between DAC, and
no DAC, is the extreme difference in half life. DAC has a half life of 6 to 8 days! while no DAC has a half life of 30-60 minutes, however
this doesn't mean DAC is necessarily more effective, no DAC mimics GH pulses more accurately and is more localized to the time
period injected. CJC is usually dosed at 100-200mcg 2-3x daily with no DAC, 1-4g 1-2x weekly with DAC.

View attachment 75649

CJC-1295: 8.5/10
Amazing, very good and effective, has its cons though.

Source 1
Source 2


View attachment 75627

Not as known as other staples in the PSL community like HGH or mk677, but still relatively known. This drug is still used within gymcels, heightmaxxers, athletes, etc. This drug is just straight up IGF-1, which by default makes it 10x more effective than any other stimulant compound due to you being in full control by the results. When your taking CJC, or Mk677, its completely up to your genes how much IGF-1 or HGH will be elevated, but with injecting IGF-1, your in full control with how much IGF-1 is in your body, as your directly injecting this shit into your body, as with testosterone, growth hormone, you get the point. This, along with test, and GH is the BEST peptide for craniofacial bone growth (potentially better than the other 2). The main difference between LR3 and DES is the half life, and systemic effects. LR3 has a half life of 20-30 hours! while DES has a half life of 20-30 minutes, leading to you having to inject more frequently.

View attachment 75650

IGF-1 LR3/DES: 9/10
Excellent, very good and effective, very serious cons though.

Source 1
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Source 3

Melanotan 2

View attachment 75628

Pretty well known in the PSL community due to its effectiveness in achieving a healthy and glowing tan, typically used amongst
whites. This peptide works by stimulating melanocortin, leading to melanin production. Typically dosed at around 0.25-1mg every few days. I don't see this drug being anymore effective than just getting some sunlight, or even using a fake tanner as both of those don't
run the risk of nausea or vomiting, as well as being 10x healthier. The only circumstance one should really use this is if the area you
live in doesn't have much sun, but if it does then your just retarted for using this.

View attachment 75654

Melanotan 2: 4/10

Can only see someone using this if their location has no sun, other than that its useless.

Source 1
Source 2


View attachment 75629

One of the less known peptides in the autist PSL community we all know and love. Mainly used in athletes, and bodybuilders due to its healthy recovery benefit. However PSL n*****s are catching on to this and have begun using this for potential bone growth. This drug works by promoting tissue repair in the tendons/ligaments, muscle, and bone by stimulating angiogenesis. This drug can be useful for heightmaxxing, and bone maxxing, neuroprotective benefits, etc, but it isn't the best option for all 3 of these things, what it is best for is recovery and tissue repair. Usually dosed at around 200-500mcg daily, split up by 1-2injections per day. I can see mainly athletes using this more than any other community, however for you (an assumed looksmaxxer), it doesn't have any special benefits to offer to you, other than of course, chad-tier recovery. This can also be taken orally if it matters

View attachment 75655

BPC-157: 7/10
Bang average, nothing too special, nor bad either.

Source 1
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Source 3

GHRP-2 & 6

View attachment 75633

Also relatively well known in our PSL autist community. This peptide works similarly to CJC-1295 by releasing GH and IGF-1, and also somewhat similar to MK-677 as well due to it binding to the ghrelin receptor, also increasing appetite (like Mk-677). GHRP has a shorter half life than CJC-1295, but offers a faster GH release, which can be both good or bad depending on the context. CJC-1295 has a more consistent GH release as well, which can make a difference depending on ones individual goals. You will have to inject GHRP more frequently than CJC though. GHRP can be used for heightmaxxing, pubertymaxxing, athletic performance, gymceling, etc. Its also a combination of both CJC and MK-677, by offering increased appetite + stimulating the pituitary gland to release GH. This peptide is typically dosed at around 100-300mcg, 1-3x daily. GHRP 2 and 6 have they're differences, but not too contrast to really be worth mentioning.

View attachment 75656

GHRP 2-6: 8/10
Nothing CJC cant offer, not bad either.

Source 1
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Source 3

HGH (Human Growth Hormone)

View attachment 75639

Not only the most known and popular peptide in the PSL community, its the most known overall drug in the PSL community, and

thats for a reason. Am sure alot of us are aware of how good this shit is, especially if you find a good source for this shit. The best heightmaxxing drug known to man, self explanatory why. Extremely popular amongst looksmaxxers, athletes, and bodybuilders.
There isn't a mechanism I can explain for how this peptide works, as the peptide itself is the actual hormone were looking to
maximize, HGH. This drug offers amazing recovery, height optimization, facial bone growth, tissue repair, and more. Its typically
dosed around 3-10 IU every day or every other day depending on an individuals goals, context, and starting point. However, as much
as I have been dick riding this drug, it has some very serious side effects like carpal tunnel syndrome, acromegaly, etc. But they can be
controlled as long as your over double digit IQ.

View attachment 75657

HGH: 9.5/10

Best peptide out there, almost perfect. Very serious side effects though.

Source 1
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Source 3
Source 4


View attachment 75670
Ascension as a result of this:

View attachment 75676View attachment 75675
View attachment 75678View attachment 75679

As teens never have blasted peptides or roids during puberty before, coming across examples of success stories of roiding during puberty
are scarce. However here we have probably one of the first people in PSL history (or all of history for that matter) to blast roids throughout puberty for looksmaxxing exclusively, Loox/Androgenic. As you can see, he clearly has gained bone mass in his zygos/cheekbone area, stronger chin, more prominent mandible, and it seems like even his clavicles have gotten wider. One might say he is frauding, but you cant fraud that much chin projection, muscle mass alone cant be credited for his 24 inch bidelt, and you cant label it as "leaning out" as he was already lean in the before picture. He also grew up to 6'4, one might say muh genetics, which yes, the way his body responded to peptides were genetics, but I think its safe to say we can credit alot of his ascension to roiding throughout puberty.

So what the fuck are you waiting for? go roid my friend!

Tagging the bros:
@AverageMoroccan @97baHater @N30N @Clone @AJis18 @HDm7CoQ @gangiewangie

dnr but I’ll read when I’m done my classes
Like the titles suggests, this is a complete beginners guide to peptides. Lets begin.

(only mentioning relevant or useful peptides, not no bullshit like MOTS-c or whatever..
this is also assuming you find a good source for all of these peptides, not Chinese rat piss.)

Thread Music:
(set to low volume)

Rating System

1-5/10: Useless, little to no positives.
6-7/10: Decent, not too good or bad.
8/10: Pretty good, not the best either.

9/10: Incredible, almost perfect.

MK-677 (Ibutamoren)

View attachment 75625

Very common and popular amongst the PSL community as well as the gymceling community and even competitive sports.
Mainly used for many things like height optimization, increasing hunger, gym gains, athletic performance, increased recovery,
or even a slight energy boost. This compound is taken orally which makes it very beginner friendly, and usually ran at dosages
between 10-40mg a day (typically before bed to act synergically with the bodies natural release of growth hormone). This
compound raises IGF-1 and GH by mimicking ghrelin, a hunger hormone, which signals to the pituitary gland to release more
Growth hormone. This often leads to more water retention (bloating), increased hunger, etc.

View attachment 75648

MK-677: 7/10
Not too good, not bad either, average.

Source 1
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Source 3

CJC-1295 (DAC or NO DAC)

View attachment 75626

Also a very well known peptide amongst top athletes, PSL heightmaxxers, and bodybuilders/gymcels as well. This is basically
mk-677 but actually effective. This drug is used for its ability to significantly raise growth hormone by 2-10 times! this peptide is
used for: height optimization, muscle recovery, better sleep, fat loss, better athletic performance, etc. The thing with this drug, as
with any other good drug, it cannot be abused continuously like mk-677, due to its extremely strong GH and IGF-1 elevation, which
will result in your pituitary gland being fried and being desensitized to this peptide, making it useless after a while. Running this
peptide continuously can also lead to increase of prolactin and cortisol, as well as joint pain, etc. The difference between DAC, and
no DAC, is the extreme difference in half life. DAC has a half life of 6 to 8 days! while no DAC has a half life of 30-60 minutes, however
this doesn't mean DAC is necessarily more effective, no DAC mimics GH pulses more accurately and is more localized to the time
period injected. CJC is usually dosed at 100-200mcg 2-3x daily with no DAC, 1-4g 1-2x weekly with DAC.

View attachment 75649

CJC-1295: 8.5/10
Amazing, very good and effective, has its cons though.

Source 1
Source 2


View attachment 75627

Not as known as other staples in the PSL community like HGH or mk677, but still relatively known. This drug is still used within gymcels, heightmaxxers, athletes, etc. This drug is just straight up IGF-1, which by default makes it 10x more effective than any other stimulant compound due to you being in full control by the results. When your taking CJC, or Mk677, its completely up to your genes how much IGF-1 or HGH will be elevated, but with injecting IGF-1, your in full control with how much IGF-1 is in your body, as your directly injecting this shit into your body, as with testosterone, growth hormone, you get the point. This, along with test, and GH is the BEST peptide for craniofacial bone growth (potentially better than the other 2). The main difference between LR3 and DES is the half life, and systemic effects. LR3 has a half life of 20-30 hours! while DES has a half life of 20-30 minutes, leading to you having to inject more frequently.

View attachment 75650

IGF-1 LR3/DES: 9/10
Excellent, very good and effective, very serious cons though.

Source 1
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Source 3

Melanotan 2

View attachment 75628

Pretty well known in the PSL community due to its effectiveness in achieving a healthy and glowing tan, typically used amongst
whites. This peptide works by stimulating melanocortin, leading to melanin production. Typically dosed at around 0.25-1mg every few days. I don't see this drug being anymore effective than just getting some sunlight, or even using a fake tanner as both of those don't
run the risk of nausea or vomiting, as well as being 10x healthier. The only circumstance one should really use this is if the area you
live in doesn't have much sun, but if it does then your just retarted for using this.

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Melanotan 2: 4/10

Can only see someone using this if their location has no sun, other than that its useless.

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View attachment 75629

One of the less known peptides in the autist PSL community we all know and love. Mainly used in athletes, and bodybuilders due to its healthy recovery benefit. However PSL n*****s are catching on to this and have begun using this for potential bone growth. This drug works by promoting tissue repair in the tendons/ligaments, muscle, and bone by stimulating angiogenesis. This drug can be useful for heightmaxxing, and bone maxxing, neuroprotective benefits, etc, but it isn't the best option for all 3 of these things, what it is best for is recovery and tissue repair. Usually dosed at around 200-500mcg daily, split up by 1-2injections per day. I can see mainly athletes using this more than any other community, however for you (an assumed looksmaxxer), it doesn't have any special benefits to offer to you, other than of course, chad-tier recovery. This can also be taken orally if it matters

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BPC-157: 7/10
Bang average, nothing too special, nor bad either.

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GHRP-2 & 6

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Also relatively well known in our PSL autist community. This peptide works similarly to CJC-1295 by releasing GH and IGF-1, and also somewhat similar to MK-677 as well due to it binding to the ghrelin receptor, also increasing appetite (like Mk-677). GHRP has a shorter half life than CJC-1295, but offers a faster GH release, which can be both good or bad depending on the context. CJC-1295 has a more consistent GH release as well, which can make a difference depending on ones individual goals. You will have to inject GHRP more frequently than CJC though. GHRP can be used for heightmaxxing, pubertymaxxing, athletic performance, gymceling, etc. Its also a combination of both CJC and MK-677, by offering increased appetite + stimulating the pituitary gland to release GH. This peptide is typically dosed at around 100-300mcg, 1-3x daily. GHRP 2 and 6 have they're differences, but not too contrast to really be worth mentioning.

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GHRP 2-6: 8/10
Nothing CJC cant offer, not bad either.

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HGH (Human Growth Hormone)

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Not only the most known and popular peptide in the PSL community, its the most known overall drug in the PSL community, and

thats for a reason. Am sure alot of us are aware of how good this shit is, especially if you find a good source for this shit. The best heightmaxxing drug known to man, self explanatory why. Extremely popular amongst looksmaxxers, athletes, and bodybuilders.
There isn't a mechanism I can explain for how this peptide works, as the peptide itself is the actual hormone were looking to
maximize, HGH. This drug offers amazing recovery, height optimization, facial bone growth, tissue repair, and more. Its typically
dosed around 3-10 IU every day or every other day depending on an individuals goals, context, and starting point. However, as much
as I have been dick riding this drug, it has some very serious side effects like carpal tunnel syndrome, acromegaly, etc. But they can be
controlled as long as your over double digit IQ.

View attachment 75657

HGH: 9.5/10

Best peptide out there, almost perfect. Very serious side effects though.

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View attachment 75670
Ascension as a result of this:

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View attachment 75678View attachment 75679

As teens never have blasted peptides or roids during puberty before, coming across examples of success stories of roiding during puberty
are scarce. However here we have probably one of the first people in PSL history (or all of history for that matter) to blast roids throughout puberty for looksmaxxing exclusively, Loox/Androgenic. As you can see, he clearly has gained bone mass in his zygos/cheekbone area, stronger chin, more prominent mandible, and it seems like even his clavicles have gotten wider. One might say he is frauding, but you cant fraud that much chin projection, muscle mass alone cant be credited for his 24 inch bidelt, and you cant label it as "leaning out" as he was already lean in the before picture. He also grew up to 6'4, one might say muh genetics, which yes, the way his body responded to peptides were genetics, but I think its safe to say we can credit alot of his ascension to roiding throughout puberty.

So what the fuck are you waiting for? go roid my friend!

Tagging the bros:
@AverageMoroccan @97baHater @N30N @Clone @AJis18 @HDm7CoQ @gangiewangie

nice pal
Not quite yet but this is a good start. The paragraphs aren't the most comprehensive or easy to track, and the testimonials could be better examples because Loox used way more shit than just peptides. TB-500 and other peptides could also be mentioned. Good start though
only other thing he used was some good ole testosterone + supportive orals like aromasin. (but this is a peptide only thread, cant mention test)

and i chose not to mention tb-500 cus it doesnt really offer anything bpc cant, imo bpc is simply the better compound, + its more begginer friendly since it can be taken orally, though not as effective.

appreciate the feedback tho