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Serious A letter to my beloved


New member
Jun 11, 2024
I wish I could rip my heart out and put it in your mouth so you could feel my anxiety and unease. i wish you could feel the surface of my heart,the out of place heartbeat and the pulse of my blood vessels on your palate, transferring the sensations to your head. i wish you can experience the rhythm of my blood vessels and truly understand the uneasiness I feel for and about you.i wish you will bite my heart down in the end by the fear and terror it will give you.
I wish I could rip my heart out and put it in your mouth so you could feel my anxiety and unease. i wish you could feel the surface of my heart,the out of place heartbeat and the pulse of my blood vessels on your palate, transferring the sensations to your head. i wish you can experience the rhythm of my blood vessels and truly understand the uneasiness I feel for and about you.i wish you will bite my heart down in the end by the fear and terror it will give you.
Περιέχει μια εικόνα του:
what if she has f****d philtrum
She will not

U a mere human listen and understand, my vision passes everything in this world
i see and i tell the absolute truth her philtrum is good u will learn eventually but it will be in an eternity for u to be like me
She will not

U a mere human listen and understand, my vision passes everything in this world
i see and i tell the absolute truth her philtrum is good u will learn eventually but it will be in an eternity for u to be like me
your vision is that of a small child in the Florida Everglades
tbh i cant tell if she is cute or not cus 99 percent of her face is covered