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Discussion Abt me

Hey guys im 14 and im a teenager idk wht will i do abt my look im 186 cm and 63 kg i think im skinny but i have face fat soo i dont like my face wht will i do pls help (Abt bones,face,face fat)
grow up and after 3-5 years do roids
lets see ur face buckaroo
in pms if ur more comfortable with that
What abt mewing or hard mewing
Mewing is natural position of tongue. When you breath through your nose your tongue should get on the roof of your mouth to block and seal the mouth completely so the air only passes by the nose. If that doesn't happen, do it until consciusly.
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  • #12
Mewing is natural position of tongue. When you breath through your nose your tongue should get on the roof of your mouth to block and seal the mouth completely so the air only passes by the nose. If that doesn't happen, do it until consciusly.
What abt hard mewing?
Also check hownis the position to "mew" correctly because if you try to force it you can push your teeth away
not possible to cause that with hard mewing n***a
mewing is just proper posture and the rest is genes
If hard mewing moved your jaw like people said it could cause overdevelopment because your jaw would have a natural development + the extra hard mewing
Hey guys im 14 and im a teenager idk wht will i do abt my look im 186 cm and 63 kg i think im skinny but i have face fat soo i dont like my face wht will i do pls help (Abt bones,face,face fat)
are ur zygos developed, or look like decent rn

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