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Acne scars= Puffy face


Dec 21, 2023
Hi there so ive been battling with genetic acne since I was 12 I'm 16 now. All my pimples are gone but it's left me with some soft scars that you see when your close to me. These scars have made it so my face is puffy and it changed my skin color. What I mean by that is the parts of my face where I never had acne like under my eyes my skin is smooth and white. But the rest is also white but it's scarry if you understand. My question is, is there any product or something that I can use that will soften up my acne scars because from what I can tell now is no matter how much face fat I'll lose my face will still be puffy. And since I'm not 18 I can't get surgery for the scars. And I'd also prefer the natural way so yeah. Right now I'm using rosehip oil cuz I heard it can soften up scars. Heard honey can also help but cuz of my scars I can't use it. The scars make things feel weird on my face cuz it gives texture.
the scars that are soft will decrease over time
puffiness could be inflamation too, combined with the texture
you have hyperpigmentation from the scars, sun can worsen this so wear spf
rosehip oil is good according to google for these scars
aloe vera is said to have healing effect and reduce inflammation
it will take a while for the scars to heal tho
be healthy as well
i wish you luck bro
Get treatment for it, although it costs a fair amount
I have acne scars and am currently getting treated for it, so I can speak. What I planned on doing was microneedling with plasma, but I've had to cancel two appointments because I had active acne. Therefore, I am doing something called morpheus 8 which uses heat and microneedling at the same time to eliminate acne, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation which is probably what you are mainly suffering from. But my two recommended options would be microneedling or co2 laser resurfacing. Natural remedies do not work for scars

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