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  • #13
50 mg minox daily mogs (will not recommend cause i don't everyone can handle it , i personally had no problems)
But minoxidil will stop working as soon as you stop using it. I hate temporary solutions.
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  • #15
all things u used will also stop working after u stop
No, they stimulate hair growth that lasts. The only downside is that they will work differently for everyone. On some people almost nothing.
No, they stimulate hair growth that lasts. The only downside is that they will work differently for everyone. On some people almost nothing.
bro minox hair also lasts my forearms are 2x more hairy than they used to be even after shaving them
and i have grown new patches of beard cause of it
and hair on my stomach (not much )
and i have hair on my hands cause of it

and my eyebrows maintained 80 percent of the gains
(my lashes were always big so gains in them are less compared to eye brows)

(i am not gay but i hated the large amount of hair thats why i shaved my forearms )
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  • #19
bro minox hair also lasts my forearms are 2x more hairy than they used to be even after shaving them
and i have grown new patches of beard cause of it
and hair on my stomach (not much )
and i have hair on my hands cause of it

and my eyebrows maintained 80 percent of the gains
(my lashes were always big so gains in them are less compared to eye brows)

(i am not gay but i hated the large amount of hair thats why i shaved my forearms )
You got lucky I think, most patients report significant loss or total loss of results after stopping for a few months.

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