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almost closed growth plates (177cm)


New member
May 4, 2023
hey, i turned 18 two months ago and am trying to maximize my height potential, since january i've grown from about 175 to almost 177. below is a picture of my leg, i will get confirmation on whether or not i will still grow my leg in a couple days from the doctor. is their still potential for growth in the legs. i've been taking cjc dac and ipamorelin for past couple weeks which i believe helped me grow a bit. if so should i hop on an ai??


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Yeah but I'm not sure if ai will make you grow taller I heard it just keeps plates open for longer
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maybe pairing with hgh will allow for more growth cause hgh speeds up closure of growth plates
Why were you not on an ai whilst taking the peptides smh, yk hgh speeds up bone age, also that looks really close to closure. Maybe 6-10 months.
hey, i turned 18 two months ago and am trying to maximize my height potential, since january i've grown from about 175 to almost 177. below is a picture of my leg, i will get confirmation on whether or not i will still grow my leg in a couple days from the doctor. is their still potential for growth in the legs. i've been taking cjc dac and ipamorelin for past couple weeks which i believe helped me grow a bit. if so should i hop on an ai??
I understand that you can continue to grow even up to the age of 25.

You should consume more calcium, animal protein, vitamin d3 and k2 (sun and cheese) plus bone broth, collagen, glycine.

I would go for supplementing with hydrolyzed collagen. I do that.
The growth plates close due to the increase of estrogens.

One way to control that is to have a low fat percentage, plus eliminate polyunsaturated fatty acids, eliminate legumes, peanuts and soy from your diet.
hey, i turned 18 two months ago and am trying to maximize my height potential, since january i've grown from about 175 to almost 177. below is a picture of my leg, i will get confirmation on whether or not i will still grow my leg in a couple days from the doctor. is their still potential for growth in the legs. i've been taking cjc dac and ipamorelin for past couple weeks which i believe helped me grow a bit. if so should i hop on an ai??
Supplement glucosamine+ aromatase inhib
hop on ai, be healthy, and take some other supplement like hgh to boost the height
which is basically what everyone else said lol
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ok thanks. ill hop on an ai and hope i can stop my growth plates from closing for a couple more months
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i know i used to think i was 180 till i got measured in doctors office in the afternoon (morning height around 179, 180) but still I wanna grow as much as I can till all my growth plates fuse
If you actually grew from your current stack then yeah hop on aromasin or something, but it might be futile because your growth plates are very nearly closed
ok thanks. ill hop on an ai and hope i can stop my growth plates from closing for a couple more months
Also imo growth plates closing is a "myth" can be reversed as-well as prevented.
Also imo growth plates closing is a "myth" can be reversed
would require some kind of medical intervention, like sawing it open and prying it apart, and keeping it there with metal or something. then blasting hormones to encourage growth. would have to be done on every growth plate for proportions. and very risky. and does not exist.
would require some kind of medical intervention, like sawing it open and prying it apart, and keeping it there with metal or something. then blasting hormones to encourage growth. would have to be done on every growth plate for proportions. and very risky. and does not exist.
"The incidence of growth plate closure (what happens if the growing cells are injured enough to stop growing) is very rare." I might hop on aromasin if i feel like i stop growing
hey, i turned 18 two months ago and am trying to maximize my height potential, since january i've grown from about 175 to almost 177. below is a picture of my leg, i will get confirmation on whether or not i will still grow my leg in a couple days from the doctor. is their still potential for growth in the legs. i've been taking cjc dac and ipamorelin for past couple weeks which i believe helped me grow a bit. if so should i hop on an ai??
similar situation where can i get cjc dac and ipamorelin? do they need to be prescribed to me? or can i get them storefront. also what is the daily routine when talking these. I will take a ai with aswell.

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