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Alternative to CeraVe ?

Professor Zoom

LTN Christcel
Jul 24, 2024
Hello, I need advice on what other skincare products other than CeraVe to use, rated above 50/100 on Yuka and are for oily skin ? Cerave didn’t work for me, so I am here for help. Thanks for answering !
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Better diet and maybe vitamin supplements are a MUCH better alternative to Cerave

There was a nice guide on .org, can’t find it rn 😓
Thanks man, I am trying to get a better diet and maybe try to convince my parents to get me vitamin supplements, but I feel skincare products could help also a lot. Doing a physical activity is also helpful, drink lot of water is useful too. I just want good products.
Thanks man, I am trying to get a better diet and maybe try to convince my parents to get me vitamin supplements, but I feel skincare products could help also a lot. Doing a physical activity is also helpful, drink lot of water is useful too. I just want good products.
Minecraft analogy: Skincare is like killing zombies when there is a zombie spawner next to you. And considering how "good" most of the skincare is, you are killing those zombies with a wooden pickaxe

Vitamins >>>>>>>>>>> skincare

Here is the guide on acne. That's slightly complex, but any >100iq haver can understand it
Thanks man, I am trying to get a better diet and maybe try to convince my parents to get me vitamin supplements, but I feel skincare products could help also a lot. Doing a physical activity is also helpful, drink lot of water is useful too. I just want good products.
This one covers us skincare too. I liked it even more than the first one tbh
Hello, I need advice on what other skincare products other than CeraVe to use, rated above 50/100 on Yuka and are for oily skin ? Cerave didn’t work for me, so I am here for help. Thanks for answering !
No skincare at all tbh
Burt’s bees is legit I think

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