I want to believe that everyone isn’t inherently evil, but I can’t help but think that even if my upbringing was good and anything that I wished for came my way, I would still be a piece of shit in my heart. I would still bully others. I would still hate myself. I will still want something more, even if everything was perfect, but then again I feel as if this line of thinking may be flawed when I was growing up, I was physically abused by my mom by her friends around her by the people that she brought into our lives. I was sexually abused by people that my mom made connections with I was bullied all throughout my life, things never came easily, and I always make excuses for what I lacked so with this in mind, I would like to believe my upbringing has influenced my line of thinking I don’t know what to believe anymore a few years ago I was an atheist and then found God again, but with everything that has happened and things that continue to happen and looking at everything in a new perspective, I feel as if there is no God and I feel as if all the suffering has been for nothing and I will continue to suffer as long as I’m alive for nothing I’m sorry I would like to say sorry for all the people that may genuinely love me. I’m sorry for all the trouble I have caused you in life. I do not wish to be reborn into a new life. I do not wish to go to heaven or hell. I wish everything would just stop, but I also have an appreciation for the things I’ve experienced and the things I have seen and I do find an abstract beauty in it all, but it’s all so meaningless and it’s brutal.