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Am I finally mtn?

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  • #3
I got very lean. Am I average or below average looking?
Is dragon-looking face a death sentence? I have slightly hollow cheeks with shifty skin and it looks bad imo. Usually guys with hollow cheks have a perfect skin quality


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High trust MTN, you might be able to get a girlfriend who treats you like a cuck. Just remember: never put anyone else on a pedestal because they’ll treat you like you didn’t place.
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  • #8
High trust MTN, you might be able to get a girlfriend who treats you like a cuck. Just remember: never put anyone else on a pedestal because they’ll treat you like you didn’t place.
How to look more aggressive? I always try to squint my eyes like an autist when I'm around girls xd
Can't tell if its just the angle but your lips and chins are really uneven. Your kinda cooked for your hair, since you do have a square head shape (Which is ideal for masculinity) But you do have a massive forehead. The shorter sides and top work for square head shapes but not for your fat ass forehead. Grow it out and see which look best, otherwise your looking pretty good once you clear up your skin you definitely could be mtn.

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