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Am I to old to start mewing?


New member
Oct 25, 2023
I saw on TikTok that after 16 ur lower jaw bone fuses with ur upper and mewing won’t have any long term effect.

I’m 15 and my side profile is pretty horrendous, is that true?
I saw on TikTok that after 16 ur lower jaw bone fuses with ur upper and mewing won’t have any long term effect.

I’m 15 and my side profile is pretty horrendous, is that true?
Doubt it. I became an incel as I grew older, which means that whatever looks you have at 15 are not permanent.
I saw on TikTok that after 16 ur lower jaw bone fuses with ur upper and mewing won’t have any long term effect.

I’m 15 and my side profile is pretty horrendous, is that true?
dont take looksmaxxing advice from tiktok pls
even if your growth plates fused keeping good tongue posture is a healthy habit and can keep you from receding any more
post the before and after
same angle and lighting
I did countless of times
I didn't do pictures with the exact same angle
But trust me , I can see the change in the mirror
I saw on TikTok that after 16 ur lower jaw bone fuses with ur upper and mewing won’t have any long term effect.

I’m 15 and my side profile is pretty horrendous, is that true?
Dr Mike Mew was already an adult when he started mewing (even though I suspect he had surgery done) its possible that mewing worked for him. Mewing would always work if u do it properly.
Dr Mike Mew was already an adult when he started mewing (even though I suspect he had surgery done) its possible that mewing worked for him. Mewing would always work if u do it properly.
Mike mew just dark triadmaxxed and made up some bullshit to sell to us retards. It's genetic
Mewing may not work for some, but only nose breathing could make a difference
Nah your good bro older people always do it and it works like the litteralcreator is old ash and he has a massive jaw
I saw on TikTok that after 16 ur lower jaw bone fuses with ur upper and mewing won’t have any long term effect.

I’m 15 and my side profile is pretty horrendous, is that true?
You are still young bro, start now. There is a new video Dr mike mew posted, go watch it in its entirety