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Another 4 euro wasted on Umax


The one who left it all behind
Feb 16, 2024
This app is so garbage. I know I improved but n***a didn’t become Jordan Barret in the span of 5 months. I keep wasting my money I can’t help it


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why would you pay for that shitass app
just ask some discord egirls to rate you or sum shit
Yeah exactly. If you want the bare truth OP, make an alt account on snap and quick add a bunch of girls. Show a young pretty boy chad, ask her to rate him then show a pic of you. Its the only way to know, news flash: 99% of those junky hoes will call you ugly and laugh at you.
Yeah exactly. If you want the bare truth OP, make an alt account on snap and quick add a bunch of girls. Show a young pretty boy chad, ask her to rate him then show a pic of you. Its the only way to know, news flash: 99% of those junky hoes will call you ugly and laugh at you.
sadly the truth
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Yeah exactly. If you want the bare truth OP, make an alt account on snap and quick add a bunch of girls. Show a young pretty boy chad, ask her to rate him then show a pic of you. Its the only way to know, news flash: 99% of those junky hoes will call you ugly and laugh at you.
It’s over I will never be Alain Delon
I did it with a picture of my face that most people rated strong MTN - low HTN, and maybe like 5% of girls would respond positively to it. Girls standards are so insanely high it’s impossible to please them 🙁
agreeable,i think social media definatly contributed
(might just be my area) but the guys around me have highhhh standards 2
agreeable,i think social media definatly contributed
(might just be my area) but the guys around me have highhhh standards 2
That’s why I always say, you should always go for a guy who’s nerdy and isn’t obsessed with social media. Only guys who rot on social media truly care about a girls appearance.
its so rare and the ones I have meet (one) was obese and doesn't shower (id rather b single,I'm a germaphobe )
Oh, so you’re chad only? Just kidding lol, well if you live on the west side i’m always free 😉 i’m single and ready to mingle tami 😉 😉;)

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