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another reason why mew is low iq

will you at least consider a face puller device? thats been proven to more effective than my advice at least. like if you dont wanna accept mewing face puller might be what you want or even mse.
Can you show proof that face pulling is effective?
will you at least consider a face puller device? thats been proven to more effective than my advice at least. like if you dont wanna accept mewing face puller might be what you want or even mse.
Face pulling with mse is the only combo that might yield results but even still the results for adults are dubious
i want to apologize for my stupidity, after all you were actually right

"John Mew lost his license in 2017 for a laundry list of abuses. This includes not believing in gloves and illegally experimenting on children, lying to parents, and telling parents their children are ugly. As for Mike Mew, I wouldn't trust that family in general to do dental care to my cat."

i want to apologize for my stupidity, after all you were actually right

"John Mew lost his license in 2017 for a laundry list of abuses. This includes not believing in gloves and illegally experimenting on children, lying to parents, and telling parents their children are ugly. As for Mike Mew, I wouldn't trust that family in general to do dental care to my cat."

"telling parents their children are ugly"