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In nature, people would not often travel such great distances in their lifetimes such that they would encounter those of other races. It would be unlikely.
If you took a guy from norther Europe 20,000 years ago, what are the odds that he would ever see a black or Indian person in his entire life?
However you wanna take it. I meant that far worse jokes are made and nothing is said about it. I didn't see that as weird to do. Also, racemixing is unnatural @Whitepill
Yeah, because people would live in seperate regions without other contact from different looking people for very long time but in modern times its completely natural imo
It isn't wrong. I myself am a mix of races, but it isn't natural imo.
it is natural
disaster, disease, lack of resources causes migration and has happened
in general it is important for a healthy population, its called gene flow
for example if you had an isolated species on an island, you will find that over the years their genes will be near identical, or in a bottleneck event
so they are likely to die easily bc they have no diversity which provides survival traits to dif situations
does not necessarily have to be from west europe to east asia... could be west europe to east europe mixing, or to north africa
it is natural
disaster, disease, lack of resources causes migration and has happened
in general it is important for a healthy population, its called gene flow
for example if you had an isolated species on an island, you will find that over the years their genes will be near identical, or in a bottleneck event
so they are likely to die easily bc they have no diversity which provides survival traits to dif situations
does not necessarily have to be from west europe to east asia... could be west europe to east europe mixing, or to north africa
I took biology. I understand what you are saying, but if in the vast majority of cases people were doing that, there wouldn't be distinct races. Gene flow can happen withing a race, such as what you said with west Europe to east Europe, but Gene flow present with different races entirely isn't all that likely to have occurred regularly.
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I took biology. I understand what you are saying, but if the vast majority of cases people were doing that, there wouldn't be distinct races. Gene flow can happen withing a race, such as what you said with west Europe to east Europe, but Gene flow present with different races entirely isn't all that likely to have occurred regularly.
Gene mixing is natural, race mixing isn't.
I took biology. I understand what you are saying, but if the vast majority of cases people were doing that, there wouldn't be distinct races. Gene flow can happen withing a race, such as what you said with west Europe to east Europe, but Gene flow present with different races entirely isn't all that likely to have occurred regularly.
Gene mixing is natural, race mixing isn't.
people of different races are still the same species
we are strange because we are animals found on all continents and are highly intelligent enough to build transportation to each other
there is nothing unnatural with same speceies different races breeding

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