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Any info on orbital implants?


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2024
Wanna get one to get rid of high eyebrows, uee and dark circles, but there is very little info on that

The clinics that do it, do it after injuries, not for aesthetics. Idk what to tell them even. “I have not enough bones, give me more bones”?

Maybe anyone here or on org did it and journaled it? Any info appreciated
Dr. Eppley

Get botox in your forehead except in the depressors, so that it is easy to furrow your brow but hard to push your eyebrows up, this will lower your eyebrows. Clavicular did this and has a youtube video on it.

Look into some type of orbital implant that wraps around the whole eye:IMG_4649.jpeg

wait until after you use PEDs to decide what type, because your brow ridge will likely grow and you may want to go for something like the last one, which lowers the supra orbital rim and raises the infraorbital rim but doesn’t add mass to the brow bone.
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  • #3
Dr. Eppley

Get botox in your forehead except in the depressors, so that it is easy to furrow your brow but hard to push your eyebrows up, this will lower your eyebrows. Clavicular did this and has a youtube video on it.

Look into some type of orbital implant that wraps around the whole eye:View attachment 35791
View attachment 35792
View attachment 35793

wait until after you use PEDs to decide what type, because your brow ridge will likely grow and you may want to go for something like the last one, which lowers the supra orbital rim and raises the infraorbital rim but doesn’t add mass to the brow bone.
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  • #4
Dr. Eppley

Get botox in your forehead except in the depressors, so that it is easy to furrow your brow but hard to push your eyebrows up, this will lower your eyebrows. Clavicular did this and has a youtube video on it.
The dude is amazing, but I didn't find the vid you are talking about. What are depressors btw? And is botox different from fillers?
Wanna get one to get rid of high eyebrows, uee and dark circles, but there is very little info on that

The clinics that do it, do it after injuries, not for aesthetics. Idk what to tell them even. “I have not enough bones, give me more bones”?

Maybe anyone here or on org did it and journaled it? Any info appreciated
orbital implants are usually for people who got trauma, you are right
the purpose is for function, so that their eyes stay in place and can move, aesthetic is usually not the main purpose
ask for custom infraorbital rim implants, talk to a surgeon to make one for aesthetic purposes
for high set eyebrows, you can get a eyebrow repositioning surgery
The dude is amazing, but I didn't find the vid you are talking about. What are depressors btw? And is botox different from fillers?
I don’t know if depressors is the exact term but I think so. I meant the forehead muscles responsible for allowing you to squint, don’t use botox on them. Only do the botox in the muscles that are responsible for raising your eyebrows up.

the video:

he also gets botox in his nose but that is unrelated to our discussion
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  • #9
I don’t know if depressors is the exact term but I think so. I meant the forehead muscles responsible for allowing you to squint, don’t use botox on them. Only do the botox in the muscles that are responsible for raising your eyebrows up.

the video:

he also gets botox in his nose but that is unrelated to our discussion
Oh, it says nose in the title, so I didn't check it. Thx again
