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any way to keep wisdom teeth?


Apr 21, 2020
dentist told me you HAVE to remove it if it grows at the wrong angle. no mse etc. can create space for it. but I don't want to lose jaw size.

also, does jaw size increase when wisdom teeth come in? does the palate become wider?
you will not lose bone mass in the jaw yet, but you would gain more in the future, obviously with MSE you could create more space, if he said no he is lying
you will not lose bone mass in the jaw yet, but you would gain more in the future, obviously with MSE you could create more space, if he said no he is lying
just lol at how hard every dentist I ever went to tried to scam me and f*cked my face up as a result...
I think my zygos are already too wide for MSE.
does jaw size increase when wisdom teeth come in?
I don't think so, from what I have heard, you can lose bone mass in your jaw when getting extractions due to bone resorption, but don't take my word for it.
I don't think so, from what I have heard, you can lose bone mass in your jaw when getting extractions due to bone resorption, but don't take my word for it.
it's simple basic reasoning, if you have one more fucking tooth to chew you will gain more muscle in the region over time and have a better jaw, unfortunately it is too late for me
just lol at how hard every dentist I ever went to tried to scam me and f*cked my face up as a result...
I think my zygos are already too wide for MSE.
it’s never too wide unless it’s already really wide, you can try other options to expand the palate
they're coming in early, earlier than they should have. just one tooth has been poking out so far. there has been no pain so I decided to just let it happen, no struggle or resistance. I'd let it come it unless it hurts.
you guys are so dumb with your reddit mewing knowledge.
wisdom tooth extractions does nothing to your face it should actually make it look better. if you dont get them removed you could have complications like teeth infections or broken teeth. your alignment can also get fucked up too and your teeth will get crooked if you leave them in while impacted.
what affects your face is extractions+retraction with elastic braces not wisdom tooth extraction
you guys are so dumb with your reddit mewing knowledge.
wisdom tooth extractions does nothing to your face it should actually make it look better. if you dont get them removed you could have complications like teeth infections or broken teeth. your alignment can also get fucked up too and your teeth will get crooked if you leave them in while impacted.
what affects your face is extractions+retraction with elastic braces not wisdom tooth extraction
the cause of the teeth being crooked is because of the fucking narrow palate, instead of removing the wisdom teeth and losing potential jaw width, it is 1000000x better to expand the palate and keep wisdon teeth,they are important,stop coping with ''muh look better'',traditional jewthordontics are cope
the cause of the teeth being crooked is because of the fucking narrow palate, instead of removing the wisdom teeth and losing potential jaw width, it is 1000000x better to expand the palate and keep wisdon teeth,they are important,stop coping with ''muh look better'',traditional jewthordontics are cope
how are wisdom teeth important if we dont even need them anymore? its not caused by a narrow palate idiot, we are just evolved. models literally get their wisdom teeth removed and can cause assymetry and jaw misalignment and many other problems if you leave impacted wisdom teeth in.
"muh narrow palate muh extrations"
to this day his face hasnt changed one bit
how are wisdom teeth important if we dont even need them anymore? its not caused by a narrow palate idiot, we are just evolved. models literally get their wisdom teeth removed and can cause assymetry and jaw misalignment and many other problems if you leave impacted wisdom teeth in.
"muh narrow palate muh extrations"
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to this day his face hasnt changed one bit
we are not evolving idiot, we are getting closer to total collapse, men becoming more feminine since the development in the womb, shit diet, shit habits, shit lifestyle stop cope with evolution being clearly worse than our ancestors , incidentally if someone had to pull out the wisdom teeth it is because there was no space on the palate and period, this is the only cause, they serve to chew hard things like our ancestors used to do, then you eat a bunch of soft food and you say don't need more for '' evolutionary reasons ''
we are not evolving idiot, we are getting closer to total collapse, men becoming more feminine since the development in the womb, shit diet, shit habits, shit lifestyle stop cope with evolution being clearly worse than our ancestors , incidentally if someone had to pull out the wisdom teeth it is because there was no space on the palate and period, this is the only cause, they serve to chew hard things like our ancestors used to do, then you eat a bunch of soft food and you say don't need more for '' evolutionary reasons ''
you are probably ugly with your wisdom teeth in tbh
wisdom teeth getting pulled doesnt make you ugly
if they are impacted wouldnt you think they would make you more ugly by fucking your jaw alignment and destorying your teeth
people get them removed purposely without any problems to get the hollow cheek look
you are probably ugly with your wisdom teeth in tbh
wisdom teeth getting pulled doesnt make you ugly
if they are impacted wouldnt you think they would make you more ugly by fucking your jaw alignment and destorying your teeth
people get them removed purposely without any problems to get the hollow cheek look
I didn't say that not having the wisdoms make you look ugly, I said that they impact the future development of the jaw, and unfortunately I had my teeth pulled out before I knew it, what the fuck they were born too early
Late reply, but how old are you? The answer to this depends on your age to some degree.
lmao my jew dentist told me and tried to scare me into removing my wisdom teeth. two years later no significant problems and they are still impacted.