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anyone here done masseter botox diy?


6’6, 30 inch bideltoid
Jul 29, 2024
if so can you give a guide or send a tutorial video?
can’t get botox until im 18 so this is my only option
I mean you could with parent consent, but I assume your parents wouldn't let that happen. Honestly you'll probably just have to wait till 18
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  • #5
I mean you could with parent consent, but I assume your parents wouldn't let that happen. Honestly you'll probably just have to wait till 18
nah im gonna do it diy if i get a good guide i cant last 3 years looking like a bloated subhuman jfl
nah im gonna do it diy if i get a good guide i cant last 3 years looking like a bloated subhuman jfl
Are you sure it's because of your masseters? And how did you get them so large if so? Pm me
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  • #7
Are you sure it's because of your masseters? And how did you get them so large if so? Pm me
yeah my masseter insertions are shit my face looks even wider and rounder whenever i flex them. got them large because i chewed that jawliner gum whenever i first discovered bp/looksmaxxing a couple years ago :JFL
yeah my masseter insertions are shit my face looks even wider and rounder whenever i flex them. got them large because i chewed that jawliner gum whenever i first discovered bp/looksmaxxing a couple years ago :JFL
Is your jaw kinda like how user ascensionrequired jaw looked? Look at his masseter botox threads from a couple years ago to see what he looked like. Botox did wonders for him
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  • #9
Is your jaw kinda like how user ascensionrequired jaw looked? Look at his masseter botox threads from a couple years ago to see what he looked like. Botox did wonders for him
sorta his looks more squared while mine looks rounded but similarly bulky definitely
no dont
if you inject slightly too much botox dosage you can get cardiac arrest and die
botox is made of botulinum neurotoxin type A, this paralyzes and kills people
the dosage is extremely specific and purified and diluted as to not kill people
seek a proffesional or you will die
no dont
if you inject slightly too much botox dosage you can get cardiac arrest and die
botox is made of botulinum neurotoxin type A, this paralyzes and kills people
the dosage is extremely specific and purified and diluted as to not kill people
seek a proffesional or you will die
Agreed, op should just try really hard to convince his parents
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  • #12
no dont
if you inject slightly too much botox dosage you can get cardiac arrest and die
botox is made of botulinum neurotoxin type A, this paralyzes and kills people
the dosage is extremely specific and purified and diluted as to not kill people
seek a proffesional or you will die
yeah im aware you can but dosing it doesnt seem hard pretty much the same as peptides which i know how to do so that’s not much of an issue
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  • #13
Agreed, op should just try really hard to convince his parents
illegal to do under 18 in my country even with parental consent doubt my parents would drive to wales just so i could get botox
Go for it. Even if you die - you'll die as a chad + you'll mog everyone at your funeral. Also, it's hard af to die doing botox. I got it done to lower my eyebrows, it looked easy af
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #16
Go for it. Even if you die - you'll die as a chad + you'll mog everyone at your funeral. Also, it's hard af to die doing botox. I got it done to lower my eyebrows, it looked easy af
True and based

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