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Discussion Are any of you incels?


Well-known member
May 11, 2024
I was wondering if the forum contained many incels since the blackpill niche is related to them. This forum isn’t like .org at all. I’ve seen people that look good on here and people that have gfs. I’m also a chadlite or Tyronelite that’s not even an Incel I just fw the people on this forum mad heavy and I love the convos here. This is mainly a question for the members that are actives.
No after practice I just like to stay inside or hang out at the park I have very little human interaction besides my family and no friends
Self-identifing as a chadlite is crazy 😂
Jk you are good looking
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  • #20
Self-identifing as a chadlite is crazy 😂
Yea it does sound crazy my fault lol. But it does check out since my lowest point was htn with face bloat n fuck ass facial hair. And also my life checks out since I have girls approaching me consistently trying to get my number/instagram and I don’t have to do anything.
Yea it does sound crazy my fault lol. But it does check out since my lowest point was htn with face bloat n f**k ass facial hair. And also my life checks out since I have girls approaching me consistently trying to get my number/instagram and I don’t have to do anything.
Yeah I mean for a black person you are def tyronelite
I hope one day I can ascend to full Tyrone and finally mog Jeremy meeks
(Ts is never happening)
His light colored eyes just can't be mogged
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  • #25
Yeah I mean for a black person you are def tyronelite
I know this a late response but any tips to get to full Tyrone ? I need all the help I can get to finally mog Tyson Beckfords uncanny ass.
a mentally ill girl had a crush on me. by mentally ill i mean she had severe anger issues and got in trouble often, also she drew very inappropriate and gross things
How old are you? Just curious
dont dislike me i speak fax
Could have just said you didn't want to share instead of a covering it by purposefully being stupid as to redirect the question and making it funny as to have me not ask again
Could have just said you didn't want to share instead of a covering it by purposefully being stupid as to redirect the question and making it funny as to have me not ask again
this sentence is very confusing
i like to be silly when given a good opportunity :bongotap:
a mentally ill girl had a crush on me. by mentally ill i mean she had severe anger issues and got in trouble often, also she drew very inappropriate and gross things
I was wondering if the forum contained many incels since the blackpill niche is related to them. This forum isn’t like .org at all. I’ve seen people that look good on here and people that have gfs. I’m also a chadlite or Tyronelite that’s not even an Incel I just fw the people on this forum mad heavy and I love the convos here. This is mainly a question for the members that are actives.
I got pretty good convo skills girls usually appreciate my humour and fucked 3 in total 2 ex girlfriends and one prostitute
No I got pretty good convo skills girls usually appreciate my humour and f****d 3 in total 2 ex girlfriends and one prostitute
I don't believe you. You never had sex with three girls. What was his name then? The last one you had sex with? What was his name?
I don't believe you. You never had sex with three girls. What was his name then? The last one you had sex with? What was his name?
I did blud
Her name was zara but escorts usually fake their names so idk what her real name is
You and your escorts. Sheesh.
Not mine i actually hate those bitches who sell themselves but i was pretty frustrated coz last time i had sex was when i was 17 my friend told me about them so i thought of giving it a try it wasn't bad but I didn't felt good like i did before
Not mine i actually hate those bitches who sell themselves but i was pretty frustrated coz last time i had sex was when i was 17 my friend told me about them so i thought of giving it a try it wasn't bad but I didn't felt good like i did before
How did you treat them?
Not mine i actually hate those bitches who sell themselves but i was pretty frustrated coz last time i had sex was when i was 17 my friend told me about them so i thought of giving it a try it wasn't bad but I didn't felt good like i did before
Were ya mean and nasty to them or did you treat them nice and gentle.
She started first i was a bit embarrassed that time coz I'm literally having sex with someone i never met lol but later on i took the lead
I used to play with them. Some I would pretend to fancy. An older one in particular I would kiss on the neck and act like I adored her. Got me off in a weird way. Would see her quite a bit. Some I would be really mean to. Used to go to this blowjob type place where you could finger the girls and whatnot as they sucked you off. Sometimes when it was a shy girl I would get my index and middle finger nice and juicy before ramming my middle one up their asses. Always took them by surprise and they would usually freeze up. At that point I would tell them, "It doesn't matter. Just continue.", lol.

I'm not a sleazy dude in my personal life but I had a phase in my early 20's where I spent about a year banging around 6-12 hookers every weekend.

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