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Discussion Are any of you incels?

so you are just going to live on the streets until you inevitably die?

like explain how you think this is going to work
live with whatever money i have and then kms
so you are just going to live on the streets until you inevitably die?

like explain how you think this is going to work
i will sell everything i can for money
and neetmax with that
Around 90% of the forum members are viringns, 70% never had a gf,

These are not exact numbers, but im planning to make an official .com survey about similar things such as height, religion, social status, wealth etc...

Lmk what yall think
you should
Around 90% of the forum members are viringns, 70% never had a gf,

These are not exact numbers, but im planning to make an official .com survey about similar things such as height, religion, social status, wealth etc...

Lmk what yall think
What counts as a virgin tho? If I had a BJ but didn’t stick my d into a hole, does that mean I am still a virgin?
I hope you aren’t being serious. There is so much more you could do with your life, it’s such a waste
will it really matter in the end
going through all those hardships in life to actually achieve things that are not important and don't matter
I hope you aren’t being serious. There is so much more you could do with your life, it’s such a waste
what do u think i should do
i would like to talk to someone about this later
i feel i am transcending human understanding and becoming crazy
will it really matter in the end
going through all those hardships in life to actually achieve things that are not important and don't matter
quantum immortality, you will live this life infinitely, both in infinite parallel worlds (everest many world interpretation) and if the universe is able to reboot (big crunch theory, repeating universe theory)
given infinite time and infinite space you will definitely relive this life.
so you should try to be happy in all of them
what do u think i should do
i would like to talk to someone about this later
i feel i am transcending human understanding and becoming crazy
even if you live on the street, you will still have to do some kind of work to find food, shelter, clean water, etc

you will be exposed to the weather and dirtiness

soon, you will realize why people live in houses and you will decide you would rather live inside.
even if you live on the street, you will still have to do some kind of work to find food, shelter, clean water, etc

you will be exposed to the weather and dirtiness

soon, you will realize why people live in houses and you will decide you would rather live inside.
i will not end up on streets i would kms before that

but do you think i will ever get a girl who loves and is not a bad person
and if yes it would take a lot of effort and i don't think i would be able put in so much effort and time

and when i do will i still be truly happy

if my goal isn't supposed to a girl who i spend my life and have children with
then what it is

and if i am still gonna be unhappy after doing so much and theres no guarantee for happiness
why would i even try

brainstorming for hours everyday has made me reach the conclusion that i should stop trying
its like a pushing a mountain

i hope i am wrong but i think i am kind of right
everything is pointless and i am not supposed to do anything like completing suicide tier study,
looksmaxxing, fixing personality and mentality, socializing, working , talking to people

these were obligations thrown on me just cause i existed

idk what i should do atp
i am going crazy