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are sarms good for bone mass?


6’6, 30 inch bideltoid
Jul 29, 2024
thinking of adding rad140 and ostarine into my stack (with a test base and ai of course) would it be worth it?
Take a little bit of tren a little bit of hgh and little bit of arimidex a little bit of winstrol a little bit of proviron
Take a little bit of tren a little bit of hgh and little bit of arimidex a little bit of winstrol a little bit of Proviron
will i die? Or will my face look like joe rogan? Why should i consume those? Would u fuck a ghost?
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  • #13
will i die? Or will my face look like joe rogan? Why should i consume those? Would u f**k a ghost?
is joe rogan even that bad looking lmao
sarms will not grow your bones very much, they are selective androgen receptor modulators and thus don’t have much to do with bone development, just androgen receptors. Your bones might grow the slightest bit but you are better off with HGH and test.
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  • #20
sarms will not grow your bones very much, they are selective androgen receptor modulators and thus don’t have much to do with bone development, just androgen receptors. Your bones might grow the slightest bit but you are better off with HGH and test.
gh too expensive but gonna run test+ what’s listed in my previous stack post. anything i should add on?
gh too expensive but gonna run test+ what’s listed in my previous stack post. anything i should add on?
I would replace the sarms with some kind of oral dht derivative, some of them are at a similar price to sarms.

If your main goal is bones, test and a dht derivative is your best bet. Plus ancillaries and PCT of course.
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  • #22
I would replace the sarms with some kind of oral dht derivative, some of them are at a similar price to sarms.

If your main goal is bones, test and a dht derivative is your best bet. Plus ancillaries and PCT of course.
yeah im getting proviron as my oral dht gonna run test
masteron for main dht derivative?
hcg is good for ancillary thinking of doing 250iu daily or 1500iu weekly
no ideas for pct since i dont want to use serms
yeah im getting proviron as my oral dht gonna run test
masteron for main dht derivative?
hcg is good for ancillary thinking of doing 250iu daily or 1500iu weekly
no ideas for pct since i dont want to use serms
yeah that will grow your bones most likely

do more research though, make sure you completely understand

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