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Serious Are the tiktok looksmaxxing tips real or nah


Young Looksmaxxer
Jan 21, 2025
Bosna i Hercegovina
I know that mewing is like at the moment good but it doesent change your looks permanently

Buti have heard this thumb method idk if its good or nah

And there is more stuff to it but i just wanna know are they real
depends if your young enough it could work older like my age or even older its probably just a good tip
depends if your young enough it could work older like my age or even older its probably just a good tip
Im 14 and i think this thumb pulling method could work cus yk im still growing um n all, so if i push my bone bit by bit its gonna look better in future. Thats what i think, u could be wrong
thats what I'm saying there is a decent chance it could work at your age because your still developing I'm 18 so I'd have to get surgery most likely
thats what I'm saying there is a decent chance it could work at your age because your still developing I'm 18 so I'd have to get surgery most likely
Ye ye but like if ur gonna get a surgery look for good doctors cus some doctors be fucking people up. But ima try these tips and see what will happen
Ye ye but like if ur gonna get a surgery look for good doctors cus some doctors be fucking people up. But ima try these tips and see what will happen
yeah I agree since your young enough go for the tips as for me I'm saving up money to go to the best surgeons hopefully orthodontic ones