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Are you an ideal candidate for masculinization filler?


Aug 3, 2020
There's a lot of talk on the forums of Lefort and Bimax, however we all know >95% of people who talk about it will never even consider getting it.

Take it from an older guy (me) that life happens in the now; that it can be much better to get improvement now so you have better experiences in life.

Personally, I think I am a good candidate for a Masculinization filler- for me it would be brow ridge, infraorbital rims, cheekbones, jaw and chin.

I still have 5-6kg to lose at least, but I am starting to like how my face looks. I am not ugly, as I previously thought when I was very fat.

I don't have a masculine face though, and some masculinization filler would really help me I think.

Combined with dick girth increase from bathmate, it would be a huge quick boost for me.

Keep in mind this filler can always be dissolved.

Here is one of the better guys to do it:

Yea I am, but getting those invasive surgeries is way more beneficial long-term, no?
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  • #3
Yea I am, but getting those invasive surgeries is way more beneficial long-term, no?

Inplants are hit and miss.

Fillers much better initially in my opinion.

Bimax is cope unless you are really recessed; so many factors that can fuck your result up ie a non black pilled surgeon
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  • #5
I am really recessed, seems like I'm a good candidate.

I guess... But I highly doubt I could turn out worse than I am currently.

If you are really recessed that's a different story
There's a lot of talk on the forums of Lefort and Bimax, however we all know >95% of people who talk about it will never even consider getting it.

Take it from an older guy (me) that life happens in the now; that it can be much better to get improvement now so you have better experiences in life.

Personally, I think I am a good candidate for a Masculinization filler- for me it would be brow ridge, infraorbital rims, cheekbones, jaw and chin.

I still have 5-6kg to lose at least, but I am starting to like how my face looks. I am not ugly, as I previously thought when I was very fat.

I don't have a masculine face though, and some masculinization filler would really help me I think.

Combined with dick girth increase from bathmate, it would be a huge quick boost for me.

Keep in mind this filler can always be dissolved.

Here is one of the better guys to do it:

it's hard to know what doctor or surgeon to go with...
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