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ascend plan


Well-known member
Sep 23, 2024
United States
my jawline isn't enough I probably have to do a lean bulk on mostlyy meat and dairy gain some muscle grow out my hair for a perm save up money for a rhinoplasty and blethorpasty get braces into fixing my bottom teeth, and then try teeth whitening.
my jawline isn't enough I probably have to do a lean bulk on mostlyy meat and dairy gain some muscle grow out my hair for a perm save up money for a rhinoplasty and blethorpasty get braces into fixing my bottom teeth, and then try teeth whitening.
ur jawline is enough
Yeah just pray some Turk butcher doesn’t make u paraplegic jfl, skimping out on LL is peak retardation
your risking your ability to walk going to any surgeon for LL anyways whats your point lmfao, and your acting like not doing it in a 1st world country is gonna automatically get him botched, what a r****d
Pay me to do your LL i've been practicing on animal bones for a min
your risking your ability to walk going to any surgeon for LL anyways whats your point lmfao, and your acting like not doing it in a 1st world country is gonna automatically get him botched, what a r****d
retarded take ngl, when you go to turkey your chances for complications go way up, the point is your MUCH MORE likely to lose your ability to walk?
retarded take ngl, when you go to turkey your chances for complications go way up, the point is your MUCH MORE likely to lose your ability to walk?
give him 100k for LL in the US then lmfao

besides turkey is fine the LL success rate is literally 99% google it
In Turkey, the complication rate ranges from 20-40%
In the US its 10%

you wanna look at complication rate not success rate
he doesnt even have a job and the n***a thinks he can comftorbly spend 100k on LL, state of the forum

he is 5'3, am sure he's willing to deal with it if it even makes him slightly bellow average height
he doesnt even have a job and the n***a thinks he can comftorbly spend 100k on LL, state of the forum

he is 5'3, am sure he's willing to deal with it if it even makes him slightly bellow average height
state of this guys mind not the forum, it's fine i believe in AJ