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JFL Australia is the worst first world country on the planet


Well-known member
Established Member
Aug 15, 2023
Wondering why the country full of hardened criminals and aborigines, became the most cucked first-world in world?


If you are born a male in Australia, you get:

  • world's smallest penis
  • required to have license to use nerf, airsoft, and gel blasters
  • the world's most deadly poisonous small bugs
  • no defense to shoot the bugs with nerf, airsoft, or gel blasters (flamethrowers are probably banned also.)
  • hot temperatures
  • forest fires everywhere
  • ice cream trucks everywhere
  • cucks everywhere


If China invades Australia I don't see much point defending them, they have no freedoms anyway, so what would be the difference? Seems like a waste of NATO lives to defend Australia.

Steve Irwin was the best thing about Australia, and he is no more...

The other good thing was The Land Down Under song, but it seems mostly insulting towards Australia 🤷‍♀️

One advantage Australia may have, is I have read their ice-cream trucks are much less annoying than the American ones 😭
(over for americels and americucks)
If you are born a male in Australia, you get:

  • world's smallest penis
  • required to have license to use nerf, airsoft, and gel blasters
  • the world's most deadly poisonous small bugs
  • no defense to shoot the bugs with nerf, airsoft, or gel blasters (flamethrowers are probably banned also.)
  • hot temperatures
  • forest fires everywhere
  • ice cream trucks everywhere
  • cucks everywhere
Isn’t the dick size thing from immigrants living there?
That’s brutal though
Wondering why the country full of hardened criminals and aborigines, became the most cucked first-world in world?

View attachment 31018

If you are born a male in Australia, you get:

  • world's smallest penis
  • required to have license to use nerf, airsoft, and gel blasters
  • the world's most deadly poisonous small bugs
  • no defense to shoot the bugs with nerf, airsoft, or gel blasters (flamethrowers are probably banned also.)
  • hot temperatures
  • forest fires everywhere
  • ice cream trucks everywhere
  • cucks everywhere

View attachment 31017

If China invades Australia I don't see much point defending them, they have no freedoms anyway, so what would be the difference? Seems like a waste of NATO lives to defend Australia.

Steve Irwin was the best thing about Australia, and he is no more...

The other good thing was The Land Down Under song, but it seems mostly insulting towards Australia 🤷‍♀️

One advantage Australia may have, is I have read their ice-cream trucks are much less annoying than the American ones 😭
(over for americels and americucks)
Thank you for improving my self esteem
I’m gonna debunk this rq

First off idk where you’re getting your facts but Aussies on average usually have at least 6 inches of dick length, that being said that’s not including the hella Asian immigrants

where most people live in Australia (places like Melbourne and Sydney) it’s not common to interact or find VENOMOUS (not poisonous) bugs, the place you find spiders that are in any way harmful are places you find them everywhere else in the world - stacks of dry wood and rocks n such

My Little brother has hella nerf blasters and doesn’t need a license, and even so I’d rather need a license to use even a gel gun the then have rampant and unchecked mass shootings

Melbourne, which is one of the most popular cities in Australia, was voted one of the most liveable cities in the world with one of the highest age expectancies in the world

And it’s not even hot year round, honestly it can be pretty rainy and chilly for most of the year, and yeah for three months it’s blistering but you don’t really notice it much because you’re too busy cooling off in the awesome and beautiful beaches

If Forest fires are our biggest problem we’re doing MUCH better than everywhere else, and they aren’t NEARLY as prevalent as you think

Australia is the exact opposite to what you claim, I’d argue that as someone who’s lived in both the United States and Australia, the land down under is a much better place to live

Also I’ve never even seen an ice cream truck here in my entire life I genuinely dunno what ur on about
I’m gonna debunk this rq

First off idk where you’re getting your facts but Aussies on average usually have at least 6 inches of dick length, that being said that’s not including the hella Asian immigrants

where most people live in Australia (places like Melbourne and Sydney) it’s not common to interact or find VENOMOUS (not poisonous) bugs, the place you find spiders that are in any way harmful are places you find them everywhere else in the world - stacks of dry wood and rocks n such

My Little brother has hella nerf blasters and doesn’t need a license, and even so I’d rather need a license to use even a gel gun the then have rampant and unchecked mass shootings

Melbourne, which is one of the most popular cities in Australia, was voted one of the most liveable cities in the world with one of the highest age expectancies in the world

And it’s not even hot year round, honestly it can be pretty rainy and chilly for most of the year, and yeah for three months it’s blistering but you don’t really notice it much because you’re too busy cooling off in the awesome and beautiful beaches

If Forest fires are our biggest problem we’re doing MUCH better than everywhere else, and they aren’t NEARLY as prevalent as you think

Australia is the exact opposite to what you claim, I’d argue that as someone who’s lived in both the United States and Australia, the land down under is a much better place to live

Also I’ve never even seen an ice cream truck here in my entire life I genuinely dunno what ur on about
Australian secret intelligence service agent

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