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Average bluepiller

bro thinks this is a disney movie and the bullies will befriend the kid which all culminates with a high school musical dance number!! :D
This OP reddit hot take is like killing him a 2nd time. It's his fault he didn't have/build a personality wtf
We all know kids are brutal and horrible
But looks matters, Redditsoy, pretty privilege is real, even more with kids
But the bullyers are p.o.s tho
Bruh wtf a 10yrold ???? That's fucked. Looks matter, but not on a fucking 10 yrold hello?? the kid never even hit puberty/just starting. "we need to address the real issue, why didn't the boy work on his personality?" --lmfao that is the LAST fucking thing a 10 yrold should be fucking worried about. He should be playing in the woods pretending sticks are guns or playing like MC or something. Or like NERF.

People who believe literal fucking children should cater themselves to be "chads" are fucking weird, let a kid have a childhood. It's a damn shame kids are so fucking brutal and cruel because they have access to older spaces/influences. They're corrupting so young.

Even if this stupid quote or whatever is hypothetical that such a scummy thing to make an 'eye opening message' off of, like yeah you opened my eyes, opened my eyes to how fucking insufferable you'd be to be around. I have absolutely no faith in new gens/low iq/incel/etc. Be a decent fucking human being at LEAST. God these posts are both funny and fucking sad at the same time 💀

I'm not like legitimately raging over this post btw, I just like writing out my though processing. We chillin


ALSO when I said personality matters on a diff post, I didn't mean its the ONLY thing that matters. Looks absolutely play a major part, they matter, personality just makes or breaks your overall presentation. Looks AND personality win people over, pure personality doesn't fucking win. Pure looks but god awful personality loses to someone who's a chad and respectful. Pretty privledge is real, absolutely. But the pretty boys who know what theyre talking about and show respect are favored.

I had a HS teacher who was real young my SR of HS. He was mid-20s and a hella chad. But he was the coolest dude ever. He was my business teacher, the dude also did personal training on the weekends + coached wresling. His face was like perfect, his hair fitted his face immaculately, he was tall, proportionate, Not too big, like the perfect amount of muscle and leaness. Not too veiny, nor was he smooth. He dressed formally but not overly pretentious. He was chill, laid-back, and open-minded. When he didn't agree with someone's views, he still respected them and agreed to disagree. He didn't pin them for what they believed in.

He was SO respectful. Never discriminated against someone, never made someone feel less based on looks or anything. He was really passionate about his students, he like wanted you to KNOW what you're doing, and he wanted you to actually learn something. He would even LISTEN TO US if we had a suggestion on how to better execute a project/lesson, and WOULD IMPLEMENT IT into the next/future projects. He's one of the most balanced people I've ever had the honor of meeting. I'm not gay by any means but I will give credit where it's due. That man was the perfect image of a man.

He never once was creepy/weird, or anything like that. A LOT of female students had crushes on him/tried taking advantage of him, but he did not cave, held himself together and didn't ruin his career by doing something stupid. He'd make it clear he was just a teacher/mentor and had no other intentions, without even saying it. It was the way he held his shoulders. He's what I strive to be, even if ill never look anywhere as nice as him, I want to respect and honor his morals.

Think of it like a car or something. Super cars w/ loud mufflers are tolerable, they look nice, they'll be complimented. They are 100% more noticed than average cars.

Shit boxes with fart cans are fucking ugly as hell and no one likes them. Doesn't matter if its a sleeper, it won't be appreciated like the super car. They're seen, they stand out beside average cars, but only because of how annoying they are.

Though, the true winner is, the super cars that are hella fine, and purr just right. Not too loud and obnoxious to where you look like an arrogant small-dicked POS, and not too quiet as to not get noticed. Perfect ratio.
the guy who wrote the message has never left his house and his mom reads him bedtime stories
also i think he likes to Disney shows
and he plays candy crush
he also like to cross dress and he is prolly 360 lbs
he also has a doll girlfriend who he cheats on with ai
and his favourite anime is boruto and he likes sasuke daughter

i don't why i wrote this but i feel that this guy is really stupid
jesus f**k
a f*****g 10 year old killed himself and theyre blaming him for being stupid? he's f*****g 10 and being bullied

when i was 11 and being bullied i slapped the fuck out a guy who was 2 years senior to me and was bullying me
he was bigger and stronger
his eyes were watering and he was scared
and i was crying while i did that
didn't bother me after that and also complimented me in front of his brother and his friends that i ran as fast as him(one time when playing tag i payed attention and he wasn't able to catch me)

and as you might've excepted that n***a had bullied and made my sister cry with his friends
the guy who wrote the message has never left his house and his mom reads him bedtime stories
also i think he likes to Disney shows
and he plays candy crush
he also like to cross dress and he is prolly 360 lbs
he also has a doll girlfriend who he cheats on with ai
and his favourite anime is boruto and he likes sasuke daughter

i don't why i wrote this but i feel that this guy is really stupid and i would like to bully him (i don't bully physically, i say shit that will make u self harm
also i don't bully people who don't deserve
this is one of the reasons people wanted to fight)

Sometimes people need to be bullied when they're 30+ weird, have weird and harmful fetishes, and can become a threat to people around them, and themselves.

If OP who wrote the quote IS disabled, dude needs some help. I think mental illnesses should definitely be acknowledged, but just because you have one doesn't excuse you to have harmful behaviors. I'm sick of these people who are pedos and all-round creeps getting "let off" because they aren't 100% sane.

You still need help. Still need to make an effort to NOT be a weird creep, still need to make an effort to behave. The only difference (to me) between someone sound, and someone mentally disabled, is that the disabled person might need a little bit more guidance to fulfill the same thing a sane person can. They should be granted that help, and that help should by no means encourage awful behavior.

Some things are just not excusable, no matter who or what you are. There are limits, and this guy sounds like he's crossed several boundaries. Ew!!!

edit: when I say bullying, I don't mean like beating the fuck out of someone, unless they like put their hands on someone first. I mean like, making it 100% clear their actions/behaviors are weird, and shouldn't be fed. That they need help, and need to make a difference. Y'know, like constructive bullying or whatever.

bullying someone for how they look is fucking low. That's the shittiest move ever, they can't control genetics.

But, bullying someone who is knowingly affiliating with illegal shit and being fucking creepy/gross is not the same. They need to be enlightened bro.

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