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JFL Average femcel

Omg guys I'm so ugly and femcel I only had 2 boyfriends in my life can you please rate me and give me advice be honest I already know I'm an ugly femcelView attachment 40320
omg guys my life is so sad and miserable guys im so ugly guys im a hikkimori femcel…😓😔😔😣 (has had 5 boyfriends and 17 orbiters and rejected 10 guys in the past hour)
i fail to see whats so funny @sigma
i assume the context is you like self proclaimed ran through depressed hikokimori "femcels", since that is what you replied to, which is funny if you are attracted to that
if you are talking simply lookswise, then i wouldve responded with 😍 or 👍
View attachment 40333
i assume the context is you like self proclaimed ran through depressed hikokimori "femcels", since that is what you replied to, which is funny if you are attracted to that
if you are talking simply lookswise, then i wouldve responded with 😍 or 👍
i didnt even read the bullshit she wrote
i just saw a pretty female so i gave my opinion
Men are 🗑

Omg guys I'm so ugly and femcel I only had 2 boyfriends in my life can you please rate me and give me advice be honest I already know I'm an ugly femcelView attachment 40320
You are delusional if you think a true femcel looks like soem stacy.
True femcels are the most subhuman women ever. You can cope and say femcels dont exist but doesnt chnag ethe fact they exist.
Honestly i am gonna stop arguing with you, I am gonna delete my account thanks to you. Are you happy now.

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