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Info Bad new about future generations Height


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2024
Basically, the good news is: there is a limit to medium human growth

Bad news: the limit may be 1,82 m, meaning that the future generations will be even fucking taller then you Pluss they will looksmax since young age during puberty (your are cooked).
Basically, the good news is: there is a limit to medium human growth

Bad news: the limit may be 1,82 m, meaning that the future generations will be even f*****g taller then you Pluss they will looksmax since young age during puberty (your are cooked).
They won’t looksmax, future generations will be looksminned
Basically, the good news is: there is a limit to medium human growth

Bad news: the limit may be 1,82 m, meaning that the future generations will be even f*****g taller then you Pluss they will looksmax since young age during puberty (your are cooked).
sources and explain more thoroughly

are you saying that the average height will be 182cm in the future?
Basically, the good news is: there is a limit to medium human growth

Bad news: the limit may be 1,82 m, meaning that the future generations will be even f*****g taller then you Pluss they will looksmax since young age during puberty (your are cooked).
Gen Aphla lookmaxxers bouta guard the fucking galaxy 🌲 💀
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  • #13
sources and explain more thoroughly

are you saying that the average height will be 182cm in the future?
Historian Komlos believes that humanity has probably already reached the maximum of its average height, precisely because of the recent history of this advancement. For him, the Dutch represent the example of the maximum that the human population can reach
Historian Komlos believes that humanity has probably already reached the maximum of its average height, precisely because of the recent history of this advancement. For him, the Dutch represent the example of the maximum that the human population can reach
yeah but what specifically is the reason that the average height cannot exceed this
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  • #15
guys we should honestly gatekeep looksmaxxing more
I don't think it is fair for motherfuckers who are 7 and above to looksmax. This only fucks the sub and normies even more. But that's exactly what is happening. "Those who have a lot, will have even more, and those who have few will have less"
somewhat unrelated question but
do you make money off this forum? like what was your motivation to create it?

also while I’m asking questions what is your story? were you a psl user before creating this forum? what is your origin story of how you even became involved in looksmaxxing?
nah I mean things that aren’t cope

like we should normalize making tiktok accounts actively discouraging people from doing anything effective and saying that it’s dangerous and gaslighting them that they’re just insecure
who would waste their time hating and discouraging others
who would waste their time hating and discouraging others
nah not hating or discouraging them as people, but essentially doing what is already being done by syrian psycho and dillon latham, continuing to make people think that looksmaxxing is synonymous with sea salt spray and gua sha

and make videos like “NEVER make this mistake while looksmaxxing!!!” And say that surgery is bad and reckless and that you should be happy how you are.
nah not hating or discouraging them as people, but essentially doing what is already being done by syrian psycho and dillon latham, continuing to make people think that looksmaxxing is synonymous with sea salt spray and gua sha

and make videos like “NEVER make this mistake while looksmaxxing!!!” And say that surgery is bad and reckless and that you should be happy how you are.
syrianpsycho is posting about mt2 now jfl
Basically, the good news is: there is a limit to medium human growth

Bad news: the limit may be 1,82 m, meaning that the future generations will be even f*****g taller then you Pluss they will looksmax since young age during puberty (your are cooked).
Have to reach up high just to smack them young girl's butts.
looksmaxxing will never be the norm, if you look at future generations, the height might be maxxed (however that too is unlikely due to WEF official plans), however the hormonal profile of humans, mainly males has worsened due to overexposure to estrogenic chemicals, it can't really be easily reversed, plus the people in charge of society have no motivation to change the median to more masculine
I think it's possible height wont be genetic and attraction might be more about proportions, ratios and iq and shit unironically at least centuries from now.
guys we should honestly gatekeep looksmaxxing more
i think that how redpill is mainstream and females know and talk about it
hardcore blackpill should be like that cause theres a chance it will improve the world a little
Basically, the good news is: there is a limit to medium human growth

Bad news: the limit may be 1,82 m, meaning that the future generations will be even f*****g taller then you Pluss they will looksmax since young age during puberty (your are cooked).
with thee world becoming more industrialized and shit, they could either become looksminned because of harmful stuff in food and allat, or more people might looksmaxx. The trend on social media is dying out, so less people are probably gonna looksmaxx.
Nah, working out is the "trend" and considered good for like the past 70 years. Go outside and see how many people there are fit xd

Normies are not capable of improving their lives. They are basically npcs

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