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Baddies Who Bully: Why tf they so hot??


Master Mogger
Aug 20, 2024
In the world of social media and just plain dating dynamics, the allure of "baddies"—attractive women who exhibit bullying attitudes, sarcasm, and even sadism—has become a hot topic. This report explores the psychological and social factors that contribute to men's attraction to these women, drawing on past experiences and the phenomenon of reenactment in attraction. We’ll also delve into the niche of "Goth Mommies" and their unique power over men who are drawn to them.

The Attraction to Bullying Attitudes​

  1. Psychological Reenactment: Many men who are attracted to baddies with bullying tendencies may be reenacting past experiences. This can stem from childhood dynamics, where they may have faced bullying or rejection from attractive peers. The attraction to a "bad girl" can be a way to reclaim power or validation that was lost in those formative years.
  2. The Thrill of the Chase: Baddies often embody a sense of challenge. The sarcasm and sadistic humor can create a dynamic where men feel they must "prove" themselves. This chase can be exhilarating, as it taps into the primal instincts of competition and conquest.
  3. Cultural Influences: Media and pop culture often glorify the "mean girl" trope, portraying them as desirable and powerful. This representation can skew perceptions, making men associate bullying behavior with attractiveness. The idea that "bad is good" is reinforced through movies, music, and social media.


The Goth Mommy Phenomenon​

  1. Dominance and Control: Goth Mommies often exude a unique blend of confidence and dominance that can be incredibly appealing. Their alternative aesthetic and often sarcastic demeanor can create an aura of mystery and allure. Men may find themselves drawn to the idea of being "owned" by a woman who embodies both beauty and strength.
  2. Nurturing Sadism: The juxtaposition of nurturing and sadistic traits in Goth Mommies can create a compelling dynamic. Men may be attracted to the idea of being cared for while simultaneously being challenged or teased. This duality can fulfill deep-seated desires for both comfort and excitement.
  3. Community and Identity: The Goth subculture often fosters a sense of belonging and identity. Men who are drawn to Goth Mommies may find themselves attracted not just to the individual but to the entire lifestyle and community that comes with it. This can enhance their attraction, as it ties into their own identity and social circles.



The attraction to baddies who bully is a complex interplay of psychological factors, cultural influences, and personal experiences. For many men, this attraction is rooted in a desire to reclaim power, experience thrill, and engage with a unique subculture. Whether it’s the challenge of a sarcastic baddie or the allure of a Goth Mommy, these dynamics reveal much about the nature of attraction and the human psyche.

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