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Banded sleeping (results from couple of days)


Aug 10, 2024
So i posted about wanting to try banded sleeping so i did, its not the best set up but i think it works cuz i feel the streching at night it has been 3-4 days sleeping with them i dont see changes but the time period is not enough, exept when i wake up in the morning and i meassure myself ive grown 1-2 cm but at night it drops to my normal height i guess it works???
So i posted about wanting to try banded sleeping so i did, its not the best set up but i think it works cuz i feel the streching at night it has been 3-4 days sleeping with them i dont see changes but the time period is not enough, exept when i wake up in the morning and i meassure myself ive grown 1-2 cm but at night it drops to my normal height i guess it works???
#1 are your plates open?, #2 measure at night, morning involves decompression. Also you dont grow that much from banded sleeping in 3-4 days.
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#1 are your plates open?, #2 measure at night, morning involves decompression. Also you dont grow that much from banded sleeping in 3-4 days.
I know i dont its just the compression in the morning i guess at night im still the same, about the plates im not sure just turned 18
I know i dont its just the compression in the morning i guess at night im still the same, about the plates im not sure just turned 18
probably wont grow, the results you're gonna get from this isn't permenant and just decompression. It's gonna be negligible to wear this whilst sleeping and this probably isn't a good method for yo.
Yeah sorry you probably won't be growing anymore since you're 18. Could get your plates checked to see if their open though

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