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Basic specs & goals


Aug 22, 2024
Howdy. So I'm a bit of an outlier here. I'm a Mediterranean 37 y/o man, 6'1" @ 213lbs. Suffer from male pattern baldness, have excessive body hair and am skinnyfat. I have a wife and young kid, so am not looking to pick up women. However, I just want to feel comfortable in my skin and be a good rolemodel for my son. Am completely new to the game and am looking to learn and use what I can to further my goal. Attached is a simple mugshot to show you what we're dealing with. I can take criticism so please don't pull any punches.

Feel free to ask anything about myself as I know I'm leaving a lot on the table here. Be hearing from you in the comments (hopefully)


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  • #5
Hair would help you massively, even if it’s just a short haircut
I agree. I would look into getting a hair transplant, thickening your eyebrows, and neckmaxing. (although that might just be the lens distortion that makes it look like that)

Hair is not really in the cards for me. Have a massive bald spot on the back of my head that makes me look like friar Tuck, so am left having to shave it all off

Tell me more about how to thicken eyebrows and neckmaxing
Bald looks good on you imo. Shave it entierly. You look like a cool, badass type of dad tbh. Find a clothing style that suits you. Get shredded and become a cool, smart badass rolemodel for your son.

what sigma said is good
Hair is not really in the cards for me. Have a massive bald spot on the back of my head that makes me look like friar Tuck, so am left having to shave it all off

Tell me more about how to thicken eyebrows and neckmaxing
To thicken your eyebrows, use a derma roller to stimulate hair growth, and experiment with applying different oils such as rosemary. As for your neck, begin to do basic resistance training exercises for the neck muscles.
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  • #10
idk you seem pretty softmaxxed save for the hair
also working out, being healthy, and getting a thicker neck
also be a good person for your kid, show him that you are strong and kind
Bald looks good on you imo. Shave it entierly. You look like a cool, badass type of dad tbh. Find a clothing style that suits you. Get shredded and become a cool, smart badass rolemodel for your son.

what sigma said is good

Honestly not the response I was expecting. I had heard people here can be brutal so was bracing myself for such. But am glad you guys said what you said

I've been a casual gym goer for a long time but will start taking it more seriously. Do you have a program or routine you'd recommend? And neck workouts too. Have never targeted that area. Thinking it'd be better to lean out/build muscle before investing in nice clothing pieces no?
I've been a casual gym goer for a long time but will start taking it more seriously. Do you have a program or routine you'd recommend? And neck workouts too. Have never targeted that area. Thinking it'd be better to lean out/build muscle before investing in nice clothing pieces no?
PPL - Push, Pull, Legs workout routine is a good one I'd recommend, and it's what I've been doing myself. For the neck, I would suggest simple laying neck curls with a low weight to start. And yes, Lean out and build a good physique before investing in nice clothing pieces because your body will change quite a bit depending on your starting point.
Honestly not the response I was expecting. I had heard people here can be brutal so was bracing myself for such. But am glad you guys said what you said
no problem
I've been a casual gym goer for a long time but will start taking it more seriously. Do you have a program or routine you'd recommend? And neck workouts too. Have never targeted that area. Thinking it'd be better to lean out/build muscle before investing in nice clothing pieces no?
for the last sentence yes
u can do shrugs and neck extensions
Maybe it's just the picture but your chin looks excessively large in relation with the jaw
Chad with hair, is your wife faithful?

I mean to be fair, when you have a chin that big it’s almost impossible for your jaw to stand out. I wouldn’t say it’s a bad thing unless it looks retarded without lens distortion which honeslty it probably does.
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  • #18
Chad with hair, is your wife faithful?

I mean to be fair, when you have a chin that big it’s almost impossible for your jaw to stand out. I wouldn’t say it’s a bad thing unless it looks retarded without lens distortion which honeslty it probably does.

Well shit, can't do much about that. Do believe I have a better defined jaw than average though

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