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Discussion Be honest if you had super powers would you be good or bad?

personal usage and for scientific progression
cuz if i could travel through time and space or other scientific stuff i could jot down all the notes and teach humanity
but no i dont think i would be sitting around on my ass all day in oblock stopping gangs
most "superheros" treat the symptom, not the root problem. knocking out a few bad guys? organized underground crime will thrive. also your family and friends will be in danger, you will be stressed, losing sleep, no time for personal interests. police officers will decline, populaton will be watching and relying on you. you could be marketed and sold, or owned by the government for propaganda. then other nations will erupt, seeking their own supers, possibly via biological experiments. knocking out a few muggers is only self image, mental masturbation that youre "good". when youre gone, it will go back to the way it was. youre a bandaid. i would be more interested in helping humanity in more genuine and longer impact ways, as mentioned i would prefer scientifically bc i like science and it is linked to my passion
and also personal usage, things could be easier depending on the power
Good. There may be people I dislike in the world and things I dislike and while the world is evil I would choose to be a beacon of light. I would want to bring joy into a persons life and make it worth living
Good. There may be people I dislike in the world and things I dislike and while the world is evil I would choose to be a beacon of light. I would want to bring joy into a persons life and make it worth living
We share the same goals
personal usage and for scientific progression
cuz if i could travel through time and space or other scientific stuff i could jot down all the notes and teach humanity
but no i dont think i would be sitting around on my ass all day in oblock stopping gangs
most "superheros" treat the symptom, not the root problem. knocking out a few bad guys? organized underground crime will thrive. also your family and friends will be in danger, you will be stressed, losing sleep, no time for personal interests. police officers will decline, populaton will be watching and relying on you. you could be marketed and sold, or owned by the government for propaganda. then other nations will erupt, seeking their own supers, possibly via biological experiments. knocking out a few muggers is only self image, mental masturbation that youre "good". when youre gone, it will go back to the way it was. youre a bandaid. i would be more interested in helping humanity in more genuine and longer impact ways, as mentioned i would prefer scientifically bc i like science and it is linked to my passion
and also personal usage, things could be easier depending on the power
Thing is I never let people see me be a super human even as the super hero. I'd be like batman but with superman powers but at the same time silent as the knight. I also equally will not beat people but rather throw them in jail. Or at least give them to the cops to send to court to judge. If I see someone commiting horrific acts. I will act based on the moral understanding that no harm should be done to others. That simple.
Good for all bad for few

I will free mother earth from all the scum and bless the unfortunate
Thing is I never let people see me be a super human even as the super hero. I'd be like batman but with superman powers but at the same time silent as the knight. I also equally will not beat people but rather throw them in jail. Or at least give them to the cops to send to court to judge. If I see someone commiting horrific acts. I will act based on the moral understanding that no harm should be done to others. That simple.
still a bandaid
still a bandaid
Did you think that's all I would do? If I saw it wasn't improving there would be more ways to go about things such as ( If I was blessed with immortality) I'd teach the young what is moral and make sure they have their fathers. It would be illegally to abandon your equally make it illegal to abuse your children. You call it a band aid but if i also had the power to grant power I'd give it to link minded inviduals for generations. We would weed out the psychopathy and narcissistic gene one generation at a time by training from the very very very young. Society would absolutely improve through these methods. No killing needed. No harm. No abuse. Just pure guidance.
Did you think that's all I would do? If I saw it wasn't improving there would be more ways to go about things such as ( If I was blessed with immortality) I'd teach the young what is moral and make sure they have their fathers. It would be illegally to abandon your equally make it illegal to abuse your children. You call it a band aid but if i also had the power to grant power I'd give it to link minded inviduals for generations. We would weed out the psychopathy and narcissistic gene one generation at a time by training from the very very very young. Society would absolutely improve through these methods. No killing needed. No harm. No abuse. Just pure guidance.
link minded is never good... diversity in opinion is important or society will collapse when a situation is presented and people think of only a few ways to solve it based on their same perspective. and also narcissim and psychopathy cannot be chalked up to just "genes". there is so much more than that, socially, and including biologically. if you took biology courses you would understand it is never that simple, not just "genes" you can eliminate.
jail is worse than beating

violence can be immoral but it also can be moral

for example if somebody done them wrong then somebody should have the right to harm them
Did you think that's all I would do? If I saw it wasn't improving there would be more ways to go about things such as ( If I was blessed with immortality) I'd teach the young what is moral and make sure they have their fathers. It would be illegally to abandon your equally make it illegal to abuse your children. You call it a band aid but if i also had the power to grant power I'd give it to link minded inviduals for generations. We would weed out the psychopathy and narcissistic gene one generation at a time by training from the very very very young. Society would absolutely improve through these methods. No killing needed. No harm. No abuse. Just pure guidance.
see this is why i have the best morality on earth

what if the parent is a drunk that makes their childs life worse, why should they not leave their child, it would make their child's life better
see this is why i have the best morality on earth

what if the parent is a drunk that makes their childs life worse, why should they not leave their child, it would make their child's life better
Obviously this would be a factor taken into consideration and more suitable care givers would be replaced for horrible unsuitable parents

Abuse is always by people who feel the need to control. Then as a result control comes from fear of the unknown.

Nothing is absolute in my ideal world and everything is up to negation as in my ideal world the human faults such as not being able to change or grow as a person is also an issue that is solved.
link minded is never good... diversity in opinion is important or society will collapse when a situation is presented and people think of only a few ways to solve it based on their same perspective. and also narcissim and psychopathy cannot be chalked up to just "genes". there is so much more than that, socially, and including biologically. if you took biology courses you would understand it is never that simple, not just "genes" you can eliminate.
Your right. The word eliminate doesn't quite describe what I wanted to say. More or less simply have a better solution than what we have today. It doesn't require violence or anything by force. It's simply whatever the data will say. Science would be the gospel when it comes to why.

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