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Discussion Beef

bro check the cows that the meat comes from if they're healthy and clean then ur meat is good
u cant tell much from the meat
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  • #16
My country is so fucked when it comes to food. I'm actually being cucked out of proper development and ideal nutrition. Jfl at the state of this place.
My country is so fucked when it comes to food. I'm actually being cucked out of proper development and ideal nutrition. Jfl at the state of this place.
Don't worry France gonna end up like Canada with the Mercosur contract
are they more or less expensive
IDK because my father is farmer so i have unlimited supplies in lean pork sausages, vegetables and eggs, and i got free raw milk and tallow fat for free from an another farmer (because i helped him on a repair)
I'm gonna buy a whole beef thigh from him when he will kill several bulls so raw it will be half the price but IRL the rendered steaks are way way more expensive
guys if i kidnapped a sheep and ate it raw do u think they would notice lets say they have 20 sheep or so hypothetically speaking asking for a friend
??what is this i must consume for estrogen ?
??what is this i must consume for estrogen ?
my area doesnt have farm animal except cow and idk if they kill them just milk probably but hunting deer and moose is common is that any good to eated mm tummy yummy
Beef tallow if for cooking and cosmetics, i already told you what you have to eat to produce healthy doses of estrogen
guys if i kidnapped a sheep and ate it raw do u think they would notice lets say they have 20 sheep or so hypothetically speaking asking for a friend
Tell them there is a wolf in the forest who stole sheep lmao
but hunting deer and moose is common is that any good to eated mm tummy yummy
Take a hunting license and hunt your game

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