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Active member
Dec 29, 2023
Been mewing for 4 years, it’s helped cure my scoliosis, saw the most improvement when I implemented mewing with my advanced intensive yoga training, still going 22 years old


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  • #5
I'd f**k her tbh but these days it feels like ethnic girls are more self-entitled to chads

OP is brown as shit yet she probably feels she can score an average white guy or tall lightskin ethnic. It's f*****g over for looksmatching
I'd f**k her tbh but these days it feels like ethnic girls are more self-entitled to chads

OP is brown as shit yet she probably feels she can score an average white guy or tall lightskin ethnic. It's f*****g over for looksmatching
You look good ngl, your face improved a lot, you are living proof that mewing works.
mewing does NOT work, I'm sick and tired of people talking about this. Their is little to no scientific evidence that mewing actually works, sure it does make an instant change however there is not permeant changes. Regardless of this lets say for a second that mewing did in fact make permanent changes, she specifically said that she started at 18 which is around the age that the skull fully forms, Mewing is complete BS even one of the biggest mewing copers Dillion Latham admitted it was complete BS. There are so many better things you can do to improve this and most likely other things SHE did in order to achieve these results. The only thing that mewing does is prevent mouth breathing, however this can be done by simply putting your tounge on the roof of your mouth.
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  • #8
mewing does NOT work, I'm sick and tired of people talking about this. Their is little to no scientific evidence that mewing actually works, sure it does make an instant change however there is not permeant changes. Regardless of this lets say for a second that mewing did in fact make permanent changes, she specifically said that she started at 18 which is around the age that the skull fully forms, Mewing is complete BS even one of the biggest mewing copers Dillion Latham admitted it was complete BS. There are so many better things you can do to improve this and most likely other things SHE did in order to achieve these results. The only thing that mewing does is prevent mouth breathing, however this can be done by simply putting your tounge on the roof of your mouth.
Mewing is healing my scoliosis, when I fully align and straighten my spine HEAD 2 TOE I’ll luk
Mewing is healing my scoliosis, when I fully align and straighten my spine HEAD 2 TOE I’ll luk
it literally isn't honey it's a complete placebo there is absolutely zero concrete scientific evidence that can prove any of this. That's like me saying if I have a cold and a start eating food with my toes and my cold goes away that eating food with my toes is the sole reason why. Mewing is a complete tiktokcell movement and believing it is beyond cooked
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  • #11
it literally isn't honey it's a complete placebo there is absolutely zero concrete scientific evidence that can prove any of this. That's like me saying if I have a cold and a start eating food with my toes and my cold goes away that eating food with my toes is the sole reason why. Mewing is a complete tiktokcell movement and believing it is beyond cooked
Get mogged
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  • #14
mewing does NOT work, I'm sick and tired of people talking about this. Their is little to no scientific evidence that mewing actually works, sure it does make an instant change however there is not permeant changes. Regardless of this lets say for a second that mewing did in fact make permanent changes, she specifically said that she started at 18 which is around the age that the skull fully forms, Mewing is complete BS even one of the biggest mewing copers Dillion Latham admitted it was complete BS. There are so many better things you can do to improve this and most likely other things SHE did in order to achieve these results. The only thing that mewing does is prevent mouth breathing, however this can be done by simply putting your tounge on the roof of your mouth.
Are you unfortunately unattractive and feel stuck in that? Low aura and no swag? Try maxxing out all stats to max aesthetic possibilities, physical and mental then maybe you can be sexy too ;))) -, manifest yourself differently.
Get mogged
Mogged? I really don't think you do. Resorting to an untruthful statement after I prove you wrong is crazy work, your mad that your bullshit claim isn't correct and that's okay. I too was once naïve and unknowledgeable just like you, you can't make a completely bullshit claim and then proceed to post a rebuttal with zero sustenance or relation to my original arguement. You're clearly unknowledgeable because if you actually had any clue about what your talking about you would of posted a rebuttal with at least something relating to the situation. You can't say you mog either when you post a photo of you angle frauding (It doesn't even look good) atleast post an argument honey, instead of looking like a r****d (both physically and mentally) At least be able to argue or have a cival debate if your going to post some bs like this seriously grow up
Where’s your transformation
He doesn’t have to have had a transformation to have an opinion, that’s like saying someone can’t criticise professional athletes because they don’t play sport at a professional level. If i’m being honest the only difference is the angle of which you took your photo lol which anyone can do
Been mewing for 4 years, it’s helped cure my scoliosis, saw the most improvement when I implemented mewing with my advanced intensive yoga training, still going 22 years old
Good afternoon You sexy ash, how is your day going☺️
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