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Before you ascend you must do this! (Long read)



Don't be so foolish to believe once you ascend to a PSL 9 (However you do it) your life will be perfect because it won't be. You'll feel like the same person inside and you'll still have to bear the blackpill even if you are on the lucky side. You'll likely kill yourself after realising this. This is why women get less happy the more partners they have among other factors such as societal factors.

Looksmaxxing should never be your main goal in life. What will you do when you reach that goal? Just look at plastic surgery freaks when they reach a realistic goal they aren't resolved on the inside so they become addicted to plastic surgery and do irreversible damage to their face and body. Pursuing looksmaxxing is most likely a cope for the rest of the problems in your life. Recall the reasons how you were introduced to the black pill and why you decided to actively participate in its ideology?

Fix those flaws and your lack of success with women will be more bearable. These unresolved problems are 1 million times more important than you looksmaxxing. I am not saying to ignore your looks but instead deal with them in a way that won't destroys you. The content of blackpill can genuinely help future generations but the community has too many flaws for this too ever happen. If you could prevent a newborn baby becoming a truecel would you? The blackpill community has its copes in which it pretends to be oblivious too. I'm not selling you the "work on your career meme", I am telling you to be careful with your relationship with looksmaxxing and blackpill thinking/culture.

Ideally, position looksmaxxing in a way where it works for you without you having to obsess without it. This doesn't mean looksmaxxing is wrong. Sex is a very important part of the human experience and looksmaxxing should be taken seriously when trying to experience it. I wouldn't go as far as to say sex equals everything, although that perfectly encapsulates how a type r society works. But to say sex is everything is cope as it only appeals to our animalistic part of our brain. An orgasm doesn't last forever this is why some people believe love is just a survival mechanism to trick animals into mating ( I would argue that from this perspective their understanding of love is very shallow).

Refuse the rotting lifestyle, How clean is your room? Have you brushed and flossed? have you washed your face? Have you showered? Do you have clean clothes? You may be asking why do these questions matter. They matter because without a framework of control in your life change will be slow or will quickly crumble. (This idea of maintaining a framework of your life can become a cope so be careful.) Make your life something look past your current situation and become what you truly want to become. Reflect at least 100 hours on what you want to become and why? You have to be brutally honest to get there. Aim for your highest potential and don't back down from it even if you don't think it's possible you can always find away. You will be taught the lessons to get where you need to be. Life is just one big lesson with an infinite amount of smaller lessons. You can decide to ignore them or learn from them and progress as a human being.

You will also need to let go of all prejudices, stigma and hatred in your life. Society gets this wrong and doesn't understand what it means to do this. It's present as a naively forgetting about the transgressions done to you in which it truly isn't what it is a deep and honest contemplation of what the issue is. Don't deceive yourself (in which you are likely doing all the time and not realising, be careful). If you contemplate deep enough you will unearth a huge web of unresolved issues. You truly can't be taught what it means to truly forgive you have to find it yourself as well as the inner contextual journey I am presenting in this thread.

Your time is precious. Don't waste it on things that aren't worth your time. There is nothing you need to "add" to yourself you don't need to be something else. You have to understand that inside of you.
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Don't be so foolish to believe once you ascend to a PSL 9 (However you do it) your life will be perfect because it won't be. You'll feel like the same person inside and you'll still have to bear the blackpill even if you are on the lucky side. You'll likely kill yourself after realising this. This is why women get less happier the more partners they have among other factors such as societal factors.

Looksmaxxing should never be your main goal in life. What will you do when you reach that goal? Just look at plastic surgery freaks when they reach a realistic goal they aren't resolved on the inside so they become addicted to plastic surgery and do irreversible damage to their face and body. Pursuing looksmaxxing is most likely a cope for the rest of the problems in your life. Recall the reasons how you were introduced to the black pill and why you decided to actively participate in its ideology?

Fix those flaws and your lack of success with women will be more bearable. These unresolved problems are 1 million times more important than you looksmaxxing. I am not saying to ignore your looks but instead deal with them in a way that wont destroy you. The content of blackpill can genuinely help future generations but the community has too many flaws for this too ever happen. If you could prevent a newborn baby becoming a truecel would you? The blackpill community has its own copes in which it pretends to be oblivious too. I'm not selling you the "work on your career meme", I am telling you to be careful with your relationship with looksmaxxing and blackpill thinking/culture.

Ideally, position looksmaxxing in a way where it works for you without you having to obsess without it. This doesn't mean looksmaxxing is wrong. Sex is a very important part of the human experience and looksmaxxing should be taken seriously when trying to experience it. I wouldn't go as far as to say sex equals everything, although that perfectly encapsulates how a type r society works. But to say sex is everything is cope as it only appeals to our animalistic part of our brain. An orgasm doesn't last forever this is why some people believe love is just a survival mechanism to trick animals into mating ( I would argue that from this perspective their understanding of love is very shallow).

Refuse the rotting lifestyle, How clean is your room? Have you brushed and flossed? have you washed your face? Have you showered? Do you have clean clothes? You may be asking why do these questions matter. They matter because without a framework of control in your life change will be slow or will quickly crumble. (This idea of maintaining a framework of your life can become a cope so be careful.) Make your life something look past your current situation and become what you truly want to become. Reflect at least 100 hours on what you want to become and why? You have to be brutally honest to get there. Aim for your highest potential and don't back down from it even if you don't think it's possible you can always find away. You will be taught the lessons to get where you need to be. Life is just one big lesson with an infinite amount of smaller lessons. You can decide to ignore them or learn from them and progress as a human being.

You will also need to let go of all prejudices, stigma and hatred in your life. Society gets this wrong and doesn't understand what it means to do this. It's present as a naively forgetting about the transgressions done to you in which it truly isn't what it is a deep and honest contemplation of what the issue really is. Don't deceive yourself (in which you are likely doing all the time and not realising, be careful). If you contemplate deep enough you will unearth a huge web of unresolved issues. You truly can't be taught what it means to truly forgive you have to find it yourself as well as the inner contextual journey I am presenting in this thread.

Your time is precious. Don't waste it on things that aren't worth your time.

sticky this thread right now
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Hey bro
Mind sharing what the doctor said about nose from your visit
what u want to know?

he told me I have a deviated septum (which I thought was the case) and then he took photos of me to make a 3D image and then we spent the time morphing my nose/face

we also discussed other things like filler

sorry i didnt get to the question you posted in the other thread if i have a follow up consultation ill ask him
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  • #8
Every answer leads to more questions
I'll never know the true purpose of anything right down to its core
And I hate that cluelessness
It makes me feel small and weak
you're afraid of growth.
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