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Experience Being a non NT, hyper self aware black girl is so fucking hard


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Jul 30, 2023
I hate being a self aware black girl. It’s honestly the worst thing in the world. Realising how the world actually views you is so shit.

My awareness has made super high inhib and I’m constantly hyper aware of what I’m doing and what I’m saying to avoid perpetuating stereotypes. I wish I could delusionmax and be the stereotypical “ low inhibition loud ghetto black girl”. I’d rather be that then be an autistic weeb who’s too afraid to speak to people especially white guys.

I don’t know how sub 5 black girls do it, I don’t know how they are so confident. I believe I’m just above average for a black girl yet I still despise the way I look. Everytime I see a black girl who looks worse than me I just wonder how tf they cope and how the fuck they are still 10x more confident than me. I donno
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  • #3
Bruuuutal, they cope by saying I'm a queen and the most beautiful girl on earth, they gaslight themselves
How though, I’ve had so many shitty experiences as an mtb black girl. I can only imagine how many bad experiences you would have as as ltb one, how do you manage to stay delusional after so much hate and clear signs telling to you that “you’re not desired, you are fucking chopped”. How
I hate being a self aware black girl. It’s honestly the worst thing in the world. Realising how the world actually views you is so shit.

My awareness has made super high inhib and I’m constantly hyper aware of what I’m doing and what I’m saying to avoid perpetuating stereotypes. I wish I could delusionmax and be the stereotypical “ low inhibition loud ghetto black girl”. I’d rather be that then be an autistic weeb who’s too afraid to speak to people especially white guys.

I don’t know how sub 5 black girls do it, I don’t know how they are so confident. I believe I’m just above average for a black girl yet I still despise the way I look. Everytime I see a black girl who looks worse than me I just wonder how tf they cope and how the fuck they are still 10x more confident than me. I donno
Same girl though I am not black ,being pajeeta( dravidian) sucks too. The racepill kinda destroyed me .
The worst thing to ever happen to an ethnic women especilaly pajeetas is knowing about the racepill.
It will crush their soul and break them.
i have gone through a cycle of depression and the hyper copium and then depression after knowing about racepill.
Now i have fully accepted all of it and i no longer delude myself.
Same girl though I am not black ,being pajeeta( dravidian) sucks too. The racepill kinda destroyed me .
The worst thing to ever happen to an ethnic women especilaly pajeetas is knowing about the racepill.
It will crush their soul and break them.
i have gone through a cycle of depression and the hyper copium and then depression after knowing about racepill.
Now i have fully accepted all of it and i no longer delude myself.
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  • #7
Same girl though I am not black ,being pajeeta( dravidian) sucks too. The racepill kinda destroyed me .
The worst thing to ever happen to an ethnic women especilaly pajeetas is knowing about the racepill.
It will crush their soul and break them.
i have gone through a cycle of depression and the hyper copium and then depression after knowing about racepill.
Now i have fully accepted all of it and i no longer delude myself.
Genuinely soul crushing, I just wish I was delusional
dude i relate so bad,i feel like my autism isnt even that noticeable, but bc im black and i dont act like a stereotypical black girl everyone thinks that i am very strange and offputting.
Same girl though I am not black ,being pajeeta( dravidian) sucks too. The racepill kinda destroyed me .
The worst thing to ever happen to an ethnic women especilaly pajeetas is knowing about the racepill.
It will crush their soul and break them.
i have gone through a cycle of depression and the hyper copium and then depression after knowing about racepill.
Now i have fully accepted all of it and i no longer delude myself.
soul crushing but same bro, its so over for us
How though, I’ve had so many shitty experiences as an mtb black girl. I can only imagine how many bad experiences you would have as as ltb one, how do you manage to stay delusional after so much hate and clear signs telling to you that “you’re not desired, you are fucking chopped”. How
bc they lie to themselves, and the bluepilled world lies to them too
How though, I’ve had so many shitty experiences as an mtb black girl. I can only imagine how many bad experiences you would have as as ltb one, how do you manage to stay delusional after so much hate and clear signs telling to you that “you’re not desired, you are fucking chopped”. How
also trying to put urself out there is so awful as a autist black girl, becuase black men are so cruel and loveless, they only want one type of girl. and others races wouldnt even fathom dating a black girl unless shes a stacy.
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  • #14
dude i relate so bad,i feel like my autism isnt even that noticeable, but bc im black and i dont act like a stereotypical black girl everyone thinks that i am very strange and offputting.
honestly being a quiet and shy black girl is worse than being a stereotypical one.
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  • #15
also trying to put urself out there is so awful as a autist black girl, becuase black men are so cruel and loveless, they only want one type of girl. and others races wouldnt even fathom dating a black girl unless shes a stacy.
I’ve completely given up on black men, I refuse to be with one and will never marry one, even my mother tells me not to get with a black guy unless you want them to leave you.
hello youre back :dance:

you have to learn not to compare yourself to others
dress nice, do not behave narcy, work hard and dont be like them

this is a difficult part of blackpill that most will experience in their own ways, but people can get through it
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  • #19
black guys only care about sex and themselves
I don’t even get why they are so desired, they’ve proven themselves to be 10 times as apathetic as white men and dont give a shit about the people they supposedly love. I’ve seen white girls get with black men PURELY because they are black,Edit: I mean I’ve seen high mtb white girls get with subhuman fat black guys. It’s so insane to me.

Edit 2: this is turning into a rant but it also pisses me off so much when I see black women defending and being die hard for black men when the same black men would never do the same for them
I don’t even get why they are so desired, they’ve proven themselves to be 10 times as apathetic as white men and dont give a shit about the people they supposedly love. I’ve seen white girls get with black men PURELY because they are black. It’s so insane to me
Bbc pill or jbb pill ig is the reason black guys have high smv.
I don’t even get why they are so desired, they’ve proven themselves to be 10 times as apathetic as white men and dont give a shit about the people they supposedly love. I’ve seen white girls get with black men PURELY because they are black,Edit: I mean I’ve seen high mtb white girls get with subhuman fat black guys. It’s so insane to me.
idk, and the funny thing is if you took a chad, and a tyrone, and stood them next to eachother the chad would overall be more attractive
I hate being a self aware black girl. It’s honestly the worst thing in the world. Realising how the world actually views you is so shit.

My awareness has made super high inhib and I’m constantly hyper aware of what I’m doing and what I’m saying to avoid perpetuating stereotypes. I wish I could delusionmax and be the stereotypical “ low inhibition loud ghetto black girl”. I’d rather be that then be an autistic weeb who’s too afraid to speak to people especially white guys.

I don’t know how sub 5 black girls do it, I don’t know how they are so confident. I believe I’m just above average for a black girl yet I still despise the way I look. Everytime I see a black girl who looks worse than me I just wonder how tf they cope and how the fuck they are still 10x more confident than me. I donno
Extremely brutal being anything below a 6 as a black girl is a living hell and you’re the first one I’ve ever seen talk about the truth of what it is to be a black girl. People worship eugenic features and hate west/East African features to a point where they have a horn affect. It’s to a point where you can’t even blame those sub 5 black girls coping by saying their queens because when that brutal truth sets in it drives you mad.
frr have fun being a single mother or get cheaten on/beaten
that really sucks. Even pajeets beat their wives though i wouldnt say all of them suck. Some are nice ig.
The only thing i hate about indian dudes is their lust for white women and that makes me disgusted at them.
They would leave their loving wife for white women and this is why i chose being single cuz i dont wanna be cucked as the guy would be thinking about some random white women he watched on porn when he is with me.
I am beyond help at this point, my brainn is fucked from all the racepill i consumed.
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  • #32
Extremely brutal being anything below a 6 as a black girl is a living hell and you’re the first one I’ve ever seen talk about the truth of what it is to be a black girl. People worship eugenic features and hate west/East African features to a point where they have a horn affect. It’s to a point where you can’t even blame those sub 5 black girls coping by saying they’re queens because when that brutal truth sets in it drives you mad.
this is the best description of it, if the majority of black girls weren’t delusional the suicide rates for black women would be sky fucking high
I don’t even get why they are so desired, they’ve proven themselves to be 10 times as apathetic as white men and dont give a shit about the people they supposedly love. I’ve seen white girls get with black men PURELY because they are black,Edit: I mean I’ve seen high mtb white girls get with subhuman fat black guys. It’s so insane to me.

Edit 2: this is turning into a rant but it also pisses me off so much when I see black women defending and being die hard for black men when the same black men would never do the same for them
beyond brutal. Black girls deserve so much better.
Tbh ethnic women in general respect their men alot but we get shitted on so bad by our own men.
It sucks when your own men sees you as undesirable.
:peepoLove: :peepoLove:
beyond brutal. Black girls deserve so much better.
Tbh ethnic women in general respect their men alot but we get shitted on so bad by our own men.
It sucks when your own men sees you as undesirable.
:peepoLove: :peepoLove:
Brutal they’re all too busy chasing the mtb white girl that had a +50 SMV boost just because she’s white.
also trying to put urself out there is so awful as a autist black girl, becuase black men are so cruel and loveless, they only want one type of girl. and others races wouldnt even fathom dating a black girl unless shes a stacy.
I’m gonna sound pick me but I’ve never had a problem with black girls even when they aren’t Stacy. This also coming from someone that the forum said could slay Stacy’s if I wanted. I genuinely prefer black girls tbh it just feels right to me if that makes any sense.
I’m gonna sound pick me but I’ve never had a problem with black girls even when they aren’t Stacy. This also coming from someone that the forum said could slay Stacy’s if I wanted. I genuinely prefer black girls tbh it just feels right to me if that makes any sense.
not pick me at all, surprising though
I’m gonna sound pick me but I’ve never had a problem with black girls even when they aren’t Stacy. This also coming from someone that the forum said could slay Stacy’s if I wanted. I genuinely prefer black girls tbh it just feels right to me if that makes any sense.
Interesting tbh.
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  • #49
tbh id date any guy that isnt deformed, sub 5 or black
I used to be super attracted to black guys but due to shitty treatment from them I think I subconsciously just stopped being attracted to them. 90% of my confidence issues are because of black men.

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