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Experience Being a non NT, hyper self aware black girl is so fucking hard

I hate being a self aware black girl. It’s honestly the worst thing in the world. Realising how the world actually views you is so shit.

My awareness has made super high inhib and I’m constantly hyper aware of what I’m doing and what I’m saying to avoid perpetuating stereotypes. I wish I could delusionmax and be the stereotypical “ low inhibition loud ghetto black girl”. I’d rather be that then be an autistic weeb who’s too afraid to speak to people especially white guys.

I don’t know how sub 5 black girls do it, I don’t know how they are so confident. I believe I’m just above average for a black girl yet I still despise the way I look. Everytime I see a black girl who looks worse than me I just wonder how tf they cope and how the fuck they are still 10x more confident than me. I donno
1/ I'm glad you're back

2/ The black women curse is just as horrible as the ugliest men curse : They want only black dudes but black dudes only want white women, they got treated badly, used, abused, single mom route and let's be honest : not the best attractiveness features compared to white women

3/ Playing the low inhibition loud ghetto black girl will not increase your chances to find a high quality man. In reality, they cope a lot and over-compensate, but don't worry they're in their own head as well. The "confidence" is faked. If not, why, for example, they didn't assume their real hair and wear wigs, hide with crazy amount of make-up, long ass nails, are aggressive, or have a shitty lifestyle who'll make any sane human depressed. They hide something

4/ Tbh, and it's a impopular intake, but black women and mixed women need absolutely crazy high standards for dating, but not for money and physical features. They should stay away for felons, drug dealers, pseudo thugs, guys who smoke and drink for obvious reasons. They need more traditional dudes, and not accepting being a one-night stand or a side chick. And, at the same time, "escaping" the african-american ghetto cliché asap and "embracing" the white woman cliché, of course without denying your culture.

5/ Just like guys, you need to talk to the guys you like and accepting rejection. You have less chances compared to white girls, but if you don't play the ghetto boss bitch and don't have an obsession over taylor swift you'll find your white man, it's 100% guaranteed. Some of the white Chads i've met in my life has black/mixed mtb women as their wife (they're christians, so being away from ghetto and more close to traditions make the things better ig). Black/mixed tend to treat their man better than the average white girl so
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1/ I'm glad you're back

2/ The black women curse is just as horrible as the ugliest men curse : They want only black dudes but black dudes only want white women, they got treated badly, used, abused, single mom route and let's be honest : not the best attractiveness features compared to white women

3/ Playing the low inhibition loud ghetto black girl will not increase your chances to find a high quality man. In reality, they cope a lot and over-compensate, but don't worry they're in their own head as well. The "confidence" is faked. If not, why, for example, they didn't assume their real hair and wear wings, hide with crazy amount of make-up, long ass nails, are aggressive, or have a shitty lifestyle who'll make any sane human depressed. They hide something

4/ Tbh, and it's a impopular intake, but black women and mixed women need absolutely crazy high standards for dating, but not for money and physical features. They should stay away for felons, drug dealers, pseudo thugs, guys who smoke and drink for obvious reasons. They need more traditional dudes, and not accepting being a one-night stand or a side chick. And, at the same time, "escaping" the african-american ghetto cliché asap and "embracing" the white woman cliché, of course without denying your culture.

5/ Just like guys, you need to talk to the guys you like and accepting rejection. You have less chances compared to white girls, but if you don't play the ghetto boss bitch and don't have an obsession over taylor swift you'll find your white man, it's 100% guaranteed. Some of the white Chads i've met in my life has black/mixed mtb women as their wife (they're christians, so being away from ghetto and more close to traditions make the things better ig). Black/mixed tend to treat their man better than the average white girl so
Agree with everything, just need to clarify I’m not African American, I’m mixed East African and West African living in Ireland.

I don’t want to be loud and ghetto, I just want to have lower inhibition than I currently do. My social anxiety is insane and I find it difficult to make new friends. I’m also not someone who would be able to handle rejection, I’ve never asked anyone out or confessed to a crush because I assume the people I like would never like me. My standards would be 5’10 (average male height in Ireland) and MTN facially and that’s it. I’ve never even initiated a conversation with a male.

I ascended from ltb to mtb but I still have the same mentality I did when I was ltb, just assuming all men want nothing to do with me even though I haven’t had a bad experience with a male in a while. I don’t know how to overcome it
Agree with everything, just need to clarify I’m not African American, I’m mixed East African and West African living in Ireland.

I don’t want to be loud and ghetto, I just want to have lower inhibition than I currently do. My social anxiety is insane and I find it difficult to make new friends. I’m also not someone who would be able to handle rejection, I’ve never asked anyone out or confessed to a crush because I assume the people I like would never like me. My standards would be 5’10 (average male height in Ireland) and MTN facially and that’s it. I’ve never even initiated a conversation with a male.

I ascended from ltb to mtb but I still have the same mentality I did when I was ltb, just assuming all men want nothing to do with me even though I haven’t had a bad experience with a male in a while. I don’t know how to overcome it
-dont talk to men
-why I can't get a partner?
-dont talk to men
-why I can't get a partner?
i don’t have many male friends and I’m saving myself the embarrassment of getting rejected. I’m not initiating a conversation with a random male unless they give me an IOI. Which happens VERY RARELY
I don’t know how to overcome it
Unfortunately there is no magic secrets, you need to force yourself and initiate the conversation and expressing an interest. Rejection is part of life, you can't get all the men you'll talk to. As a woman you can just start the conversation and showing your interest (kino, giving your number etc), and let the man planning the date if he is interested

living in Ireland
Even worse than the black ghetto karens, the white women from England/Ireland are awful. You have all your chances. Just be polite and not loud af and you mogs them lmao
i don’t have many male friends
Having male friends is a good idea because you can meet their other male friends
i don’t have many male friends and I’m saving myself the embarrassment of getting rejected. I’m not initiating a conversation with a random male unless they give me an IOI. Which happens VERY RARELY
Retarded take btw