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Info Best post rep ratio on-site

How did you become super moderator? I better become mod as I literally stay on this site often becuase I truly believe in it
I was a super mod before you rejoined the forum
Why do you care so much about a title though?
some random troll and his friends who made a shit ton of profile posts then repped each other.. profile posts dont count as messages but the reps do. i dont get why theyre on the forum, they just send each other weird shit publicly
oh well 😂
some random troll and his friends who made a shit ton of profile posts then repped each other.. profile posts dont count as messages but the reps do. i dont get why theyre on the forum, they just send each other weird shit publicly
oh well 😂
Yea it’s really weird
It’s also funny how they can’t private their accounts so others can’t see

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