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school mogger
May 31, 2024
I have use various softmaxxing products over the past year, I've spent close to 900 dollars on various products almost like experiments. From these products there are some that work really well and others that do not work what so ever. These are based on my experiences however so I don't know what products will work for YOU.

1. Sea Salt Spray
Sea salt spray is extremely cheap and you can actually make it yourself, if you take proper care of your hair after you apply it sea salt spray is one of the best products for your hair. Just don't overdo it and make sure to properly wash/clean your hair afterwards. 8.5/10

2. Benzoyl peroxide
Completely cleared my acne on my forehead and face, I personally didn't have too much acne so I bought a 5% version. If you have more severe acne consider buying a high percentage/strength, easily the best acne product i've tried 10/10

3. Any creams with propylene glycol in it
Bought this because of the annoying pimples that keep appearing around my face, never heard anything online about this so I just took a risk and bought it. Almost instantly shrinks my pimples (4-6 hours) and completely clears them in 24-36 hours 9/10

4. Hair masks
Great for maintaining/restoring healthy hair, can be made from various household items making it easy for everyone to do. Can get a little messy however for what it does it definitely works 9.5/10

5. Vaseline
I've always suffered from dry/rough lips although they are commonly overlooked they are the most UNDERATED part of a mans face, Vaseline does however dry out your lips for the first week of use but for me that stopped pretty quickly. 8.5/10

6. Beef Tallow
10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10
Beef Tallow has worked wonders for my skin and no other product has ever left my skin feeling so moisturized. Beef Tallow works so well because It's antimicrobial, antifungal, compatible with skin's natural oils, contains anti-inflammatory properties, and is nutrient dense with vitamins A, D, E, and K.

7. Beta Carotene
You need to take a vitamin for this, idc what you've heard but carrots do not tint your skin as they only contain a little bit of beta carotene. I do take this however I much prefer normal tanning due to the suns various health benefits never the less 9/10

8. Minoxidil
No I'm not balding however I bought minoxidil for my eyebrows, combine this with an eyebrow tint and it can save anyone's eyebrows (unless they are high set boyo) 10/10

9. Gym Membership
Gym is definitely worth it and can easily boost your attractiveness due to a subconscious trait in women that has developed over thousands of years of evolution. Whitepill if you're reading this you just hate the gym because I bench more than you.

Overall these are the main 9 products I'd recommend starting with, their relatively cheap and are risk free. If this is well received i'll make a more detailed list sometime in the coming weeks
1/ Lanolin, beeswax and pure glycerin work better than vaselin for lips

2/ Refined beef tallow and pork lard work wonder for skin, dryness etc... Some people use animal fat based soap for body dry skin

3/ Propylen glycol is an alcohol so don't use it if you haven't acne

4/ We can talk about hyaluronic acid, retinal, salicylic acid, and niacinamide as well

5/ Carrots, betroots and cauliflowers are the best vegetables. For skin and bloodflow

6/ I literally style my hair with sea salt spray and few drops of almond oil. The more you stay away from heat and chemicals, better is your hair
Sea salt spray is extremely cheap and you can actually make it yourself, if you take proper care of your hair after you apply it sea salt spray is one of the best products for your hair. Just don't overdo it and make sure to properly wash/clean your hair afterwards. 8.5/10
washing/cleaning your hair that often would be bad

otherwise ok
I have use various softmaxxing products over the past year, I've spent close to 900 dollars on various products almost like experiments. From these products there are some that work really well and others that do not work what so ever. These are based on my experiences however so I don't know what products will work for YOU.

1. Sea Salt Spray
Sea salt spray is extremely cheap and you can actually make it yourself, if you take proper care of your hair after you apply it sea salt spray is one of the best products for your hair. Just don't overdo it and make sure to properly wash/clean your hair afterwards. 8.5/10
this is decent
2. Benzoyl peroxide
Completely cleared my acne on my forehead and face, I personally didn't have too much acne so I bought a 5% version. If you have more severe acne consider buying a high percentage/strength, easily the best acne product i've tried 10/10
you dont need acne products
3. Any creams with propylene glycol in it
Bought this because of the annoying pimples that keep appearing around my face, never heard anything online about this so I just took a risk and bought it. Almost instantly shrinks my pimples (4-6 hours) and completely clears them in 24-36 hours 9/10
don't need this either
4. Hair masks
Great for maintaining/restoring healthy hair, can be made from various household items making it easy for everyone to do. Can get a little messy however for what it does it definitely works 9.5/10
whats it made of?
5. Vaseline
I've always suffered from dry/rough lips although they are commonly overlooked they are the most UNDERATED part of a mans face, Vaseline does however dry out your lips for the first week of use but for me that stopped pretty quickly. 8.5/10
decent IMO not necessary though
6. Beef Tallow
10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10
Beef Tallow has worked wonders for my skin and no other product has ever left my skin feeling so moisturized. Beef Tallow works so well because It's antimicrobial, antifungal, compatible with skin's natural oils, contains anti-inflammatory properties, and is nutrient dense with vitamins A, D, E, and K.
Great, 10/10
7. Beta Carotene
You need to take a vitamin for this, idc what you've heard but carrots do not tint your skin as they only contain a little bit of beta carotene. I do take this however I much prefer normal tanning due to the suns various health benefits never the less 9/10
don't need carotenoids
8. Minoxidil
No I'm not balding however I bought minoxidil for my eyebrows, combine this with an eyebrow tint and it can save anyone's eyebrows (unless they are high set boyo) 10/10
decent looksmax imo
9. Gym Membership
Gym is definitely worth it and can easily boost your attractiveness due to a subconscious trait in women that has developed over thousands of years of evolution. Whitepill if you're reading this you just hate the gym because I bench more than you.
0/10 and *mean remark tbh ngl*. lean natural muscle gained from eating meat is a subconscious attractive trait not ugly tumors
Overall these are the main 9 products I'd recommend starting with, their relatively cheap and are risk free. If this is well received i'll make a more detailed list sometime in the coming weeks
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True, I no longer fixate on gym strength anymore though
Same, though I occasionally go to the gym, I've greatly reduced it. I haven't gone in over a month at this point. My best bench before realizing that working out is bad for you was a 200 lbs 1 rep max at 5'11 165 lbs.

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