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Best way to talk to girls ?


Nov 8, 2023
There is one girl i really like, i am generally confident and not scared to talk to girls, but with her, i shit my pants. Help 😭
There is one girl i really like, i am generally confident and not scared to talk to girls, but with her, i shit my pants. Help 😭
think of her as a girl you dont even like trust
god f'd up the human genetic code

i heard that some lesbians have the same issue
eat salt, start talking to more attractive girls when not around her simply to build that women confidence. if that doesn't work just jump in and fake it till you make it
eat salt, start talking to more attractive girls when not around her simply to build that women confidence. if that doesn't work just jump in and fake it till you make it
how does eating salt help
how does eating salt help
looksmaxxing is a pseudoscience, talking to girls is another pseudoscience.
just do whatever helps you feel better LOL
eating salt is "unfun" and therefore will make talking to the girls less uncomfortable in comparison
looksmaxxing is a pseudoscience, talking to girls is another pseudoscience.
just do whatever helps you feel better LOL
eating salt is "unfun" and therefore will make talking to the girls less uncomfortable in comparison
"chad wins" is not psuedoscience and i may have figured out the reason why people get nervous when flirting

thread about this:
the best way to talk to a girl is to go up to them is to pretend to be a little zesty until you get invited to their sleepover. After this you have to "check" their parts for cancer and then secretly touch them. I tested this on my sister and my slaves daughter
"chad wins" is not psuedoscience and i may have figured out the reason why people get nervous when flirting

thread about this:
no I mean the methodology to looking better in looksmaxxing is a pseudoscience
no I mean the methodology to looking better in looksmaxxing is a pseudoscience
not really. normie websites don't tell you how to mew correctly then they say mewing has no evidence. mewing requires putting the back of your tongue on the roof which I am unable to do. probably a lot of people cannot do that either, so then they claim that mewing does nothing.
Figure out her hobbies and try to engage her using the hobbies.
Unless her hobby is sucking big cocks or anything in that line you should not go wrong.
Figure out her hobbies and try to engage her using the hobbies.
Unless her hobby is sucking big cocks or anything in that line you should not go wrong.
the hobbies thing been making pple incels since the 70s. husband and wife often do not share the same hobbies, being dependent on that could cause inceldom
There is one girl i really like, i am generally confident and not scared to talk to girls, but with her, i shit my pants. Help 😭
She probably has some facial flaws just try find them and focus on them it will put ur nervous ass at ease.
looksmaxxing is a pseudoscience, talking to girls is another pseudoscience.
just do whatever helps you feel better LOL
eating salt is "unfun" and therefore will make talking to the girls less uncomfortable in comparison
just eat salt theory
just develop a god complex and nihilistic mindset. ded srs

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