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Bloating Has Destroyed My Life

Part-Time Chad

New member
Feb 5, 2022
I want to tell you about something that has cock-blocked me my whole life.

I had the misfortune of being born with a health disorder that causes my face and body to bloat intermittently throughout the day. This means that I can appear very attractive one moment, but hideous the next.

Sometimes, this inflammation gets so severe that it makes me look as if I've gained 30 pounds almost instantly, causing my facial features to get subtly distorted to the point that I look like there's something wrong with me. One friend described it as looking like I was "stung by a bee". It sounds crazy, but I can clearly see this myself in the mirror.

This swelling can occur at any time, without warning. It's very unpredictable. When I'm out in public, for example, I often notice women suddenly avoiding eye contact with me. Some even take a wide berth around my path, as if I'm the Elephant Man. They do this even when I'm minding my own business and not paying attention to them. But they just can't help themselves. Their reaction is instinctual. The worst part is that there's no way to ignore it. It's always in my face.

Forget about actually interacting with women when I'm bloated. That's simply out of the question, unless I want to experience flagrant mistreatment. Women are utterly incapable of feeling anything but disdain towards ugly men. It's hardwired into their DNA. I can't even have a Platonic exchange with them, because they get very guarded and irritable, and act as though they want to end the interaction as quickly as possible. This is clearly evident in their facial expressions and body language.

By stark contrast, when the bloating subsides, and my face leans out, I often get eye contact and lascivious stares from women wherever I go. The attention can be overwhelming. They basically treat me like a celebrity. It's like I suddenly morph from an ogre into the best looking man on earth. The change is that dramatic. Some of these women often enter my personal space to make it easy for me to interact with them, while the bolder ones have gone much further than that.

I've had women catcall me, start conversations with me out of the blue, and even once had a girl flash her panties at me on the subway. They basically hand me the keys to their pussies.

Even men treat me with reverence when I'm leaned out. I can't tell you how many times groups of coworkers have waved to me attentively, as if they were saluting a general. And people, who rarely acknowledge me, suddenly act like we've been best friends for years. This never happens to me when I'm bloated.

But there are times when my face is neither bloated nor lean, but average-looking. This allows me to blend in with other people. I often prefer this, since I can go about my business, undisturbed. After all, if I can't take advantage of my looks because they are short-lived, what's the point?
For this reason, I've learned to ignore women (and sometimes treat them with outright contempt), even when they flirt with me. I consider this payback for when these twats treated me poorly due to my looks. It's poetic justice. If women can't treat me like a human being when I'm ugly, then they don't deserve me when I become Prince Charming.

But, hubris aside, I feel like a freak who's concealing a deep secret, like Gabriel John Utterson, who shapeshifts into Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Sometimes, I look like an average Joe. But every now and then, I assume the appearance of a Chad, or even an incel.

But these changes in my appearance give me a unique perspective. They allow me to witness firsthand how women discriminate against men based on their looks. One moment, they want to fuck me, the next, I'm being avoided, as if I have leprosy. It can feel like an emotional roller coaster ride not knowing how I will be received at any given moment.

Bloating not only affects my sexual prospects, but it can sometimes cause people to underestimate my intelligence and assume that I'm a weakling. This is because it can make me take on a soft, rounded and goofy appearance. This pisses me off even more than being rejected by women. It's gotten me into several verbal confrontations and a couple of actual fights. So, my condition doesn't only affect me aesthetically, it can be downright dangerous to my safety.

I've tried several diets and countless exercise programs over the years, mistakenly assuming that I was harboring excess fat. I've even resorted to fasting, and was shocked to find out that I can swell up, despite having an empty stomach! I soon realized that bloating was the culprit, which is far more insidious and harder to eliminate than fat. In fact, bloating can rear its ugly head, even when I'm quite slender.

Another approach I took to eliminate facial bloating was to try various creams, which contained diuretics, such as caffeine, that you rub on your face. These all proved to be impractical for daily use for various reasons.

So, about 4 years ago, I visited a gastroenterologist, when it finally became apparent that I had a medical condition, which was likely coming from my stomach, or intestines.

The doctor performed several tests, and diagnosed me with a "cow's milk allergy". He advised me to avoid all dairy for 2 weeks, and see how it goes.

After a 2-week abstinence from dairy, I did notice some improvement, but the bloating still appeared from time to time throughout the day, albeit not as severe as before. My sex and social life, however, had not improved, and people were still treating me like shit whenever I swelled up. Clearly, something besides dairy was wreaking havoc on my system.

So, I started doing some online research on my condition, and made some interesting discoveries.

Apparently, bloating only affects women, at least that's the impression I got from the countless gynocentric articles that came up. It's either that, or the people who wrote these articles just don't give a shit about men who suffer from this problem.

Also, did you know that bloating only affects the belly, leaving the rest of the body mercifully intact?
That's right. Silly me. Here I was, obsessing for years over my distended face, head and neck, when the whole time, every mirror that I ever stood in front of had been malfunctioning. And all those women, who recoiled in horror at my facial appearance, as if I was Nosferatu, the vampire? That was all in my mind.

So, here I am on this forum. This is my last resort. Hope you guys can shed some light on what's ailing me.

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I want to tell you about something that has cock-blocked me my whole life.

I had the misfortune of being born with a health disorder that causes my face and body to bloat intermittently throughout the day. This means that I can appear very attractive one moment, but hideous the next.

Sometimes, this inflammation gets so severe that it makes me look as if I've gained 30 pounds almost instantly, causing my facial features to get subtly distorted to the point that I look like there's something wrong with me. One friend described it as looking like I was "stung by a bee". It sounds crazy, but I can clearly see this myself in the mirror.

This swelling can occur at any time, without warning. It's very unpredictable. When I'm out in public, for example, I often notice women suddenly avoiding eye contact with me. Some even take a wide berth around my path, as if I'm the Elephant Man. They do this even when I'm minding my own business and not paying attention to them. But they just can't help themselves. Their reaction is instinctual. The worst part is that there's no way to ignore it. It's always in my face.

Forget about actually interacting with women when I'm bloated. That's simply out of the question, unless I want to experience flagrant mistreatment. Women are utterly incapable of feeling anything but disdain towards ugly men. It's hardwired into their DNA. I can't even have a Platonic exchange with them, because they get very guarded and irritable, and act as though they want to end the interaction as quickly as possible. This is clearly evident in their facial expressions and body language.

By stark contrast, when the bloating subsides, and my face leans out, I often get eye contact and lascivious stares from women wherever I go. The attention can be overwhelming. They basically treat me like a celebrity. It's like I suddenly morph from an ogre into the best looking man on earth. The change is that dramatic. Some of these women often enter my personal space to make it easy for me to interact with them, while the bolder ones have gone much further than that.

I've had women catcall me, start conversations with me out of the blue, and even once had a girl flash her panties at me on the subway. They basically hand me the keys to their pussies.

Even men treat me with reverence when I'm leaned out. I can't tell you how many times groups of coworkers have waved to me attentively, as if they were saluting a general. And people, who rarely acknowledge me, suddenly act like we've been best friends for years. This never happens to me when I'm bloated.

But there are times when my face is neither bloated nor lean, but average-looking. This allows me to blend in with other people. I often prefer this, since I can go about my business, undisturbed. After all, if I can't take advantage of my looks because they are short-lived, what's the point?
For this reason, I've learned to ignore women (and sometimes treat them with outright contempt), even when they flirt with me. I consider this payback for when these twats treated me poorly due to my looks. It's poetic justice. If women can't treat me like a human being when I'm ugly, then they don't deserve me when I become Prince Charming.

But, hubris aside, I feel like a freak who's concealing a deep secret, like Gabriel John Utterson, who shapeshifts into Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Sometimes, I look like an average Joe. But every now and then, I assume the appearance of a Chad, or even an incel.

But these changes in my appearance give me a unique perspective. They allow me to witness firsthand how women discriminate against men based on their looks. One moment, they want to fuck me, the next, I'm being avoided, as if I have leprosy. It can feel like an emotional roller coaster ride not knowing how I will be received at any given moment.

Bloating not only affects my sexual prospects, but it can sometimes cause people to underestimate my intelligence and assume that I'm a weakling. This is because it can make me take on a soft, rounded and goofy appearance. This pisses me off even more than being rejected by women. It's gotten me into several verbal confrontations and a couple of actual fights. So, my condition doesn't only affect me aesthetically, it can be downright dangerous to my safety.

I've tried several diets and countless exercise programs over the years, mistakenly assuming that I was harboring excess fat. I've even resorted to fasting, and was shocked to find out that I can swell up, despite having an empty stomach! I soon realized that bloating was the culprit, which is far more insidious and harder to eliminate than fat. In fact, bloating can rear its ugly head, even when I'm quite slender.

Another approach I took to eliminate facial bloating was to try various creams, which contained diuretics, such as caffeine, that you rub on your face. These all proved to be impractical for daily use for various reasons.

So, about 4 years ago, I visited a gastroenterologist, when it finally became apparent that I had a medical condition, which was likely coming from my stomach, or intestines.

The doctor performed several tests, and diagnosed me with a "cow's milk allergy". He advised me to avoid all dairy for 2 weeks, and see how it goes.

After a 2-week abstinence from dairy, I did notice some improvement, but the bloating still appeared from time to time throughout the day, albeit not as severe as before. My sex and social life, however, had not improved, and people were still treating me like shit whenever I swelled up. Clearly, something besides dairy was wreaking havoc on my system.

So, I started doing some online research on my condition, and made some interesting discoveries.

Apparently, bloating only affects women, at least that's the impression I got from the countless gynocentric articles that came up. It's either that, or the people who wrote these articles just don't give a shit about men who suffer from this problem.

Also, did you know that bloating only affects the belly, leaving the rest of the body mercifully intact?
That's right. Silly me. Here I was, obsessing for years over my distended face, head and neck, when the whole time, every mirror that I ever stood in front of had been malfunctioning. And all those women, who recoiled in horror at my facial appearance, as if I was Nosferatu, the vampire? That was all in my mind.

So, here I am on this forum. This is my last resort. Hope you guys can shed some light on what's ailing me.

It's definitely an immune disorder.

Try doing the elimination diet on more food items (especially carbs) as well as checking for products that come into contact with your skin like shampoo, laundry detergent, tap water (use distilled water) etc.

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