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Braces for fixing jaw issues?


Aug 6, 2024
Hey guys. Recently went to some orthos to get a consult done for jaw issues. Turns out I have an uneven bite + overbite. My jaw looks slightly recessed, but it's not really that noticeable unless you really focus on it. I don't have a jawline but I'm still a teenager so it's not really an issue yet. They claim it will fix some asymmetry, make nose breathing easier, fix jaw rescission, blah blah blah but I feel like they're just jacking me off to get me to drop 10k on dental shit. Just looking for a second opinion here.
Hey guys. Recently went to some orthos to get a consult done for jaw issues. Turns out I have an uneven bite + overbite. My jaw looks slightly recessed, but it's not really that noticeable unless you really focus on it. I don't have a jawline but I'm still a teenager so it's not really an issue yet. They claim it will fix some asymmetry, make nose breathing easier, fix jaw rescission, blah blah blah but I feel like they're just jacking me off to get me to drop 10k on dental shit. Just looking for a second opinion here.
If you get a job, dental is covered and you won’t have to pay 10k. Additionally go for invisilin if you can afford it, it’s just better and more efficient, and hurts less
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If you get a job, dental is covered and you won’t have to pay 10k. Additionally go for invisilin if you can afford it, it’s just better and more efficient, and hurts less
On my parents insurance so not an issue. The insurance is horrible though. I’m not responsible enough for Invisalign and that would end up costing me more in the end.
Hey guys. Recently went to some orthos to get a consult done for jaw issues. Turns out I have an uneven bite + overbite. My jaw looks slightly recessed, but it's not really that noticeable unless you really focus on it. I don't have a jawline but I'm still a teenager so it's not really an issue yet. They claim it will fix some asymmetry, make nose breathing easier, fix jaw rescission, blah blah blah but I feel like they're just jacking me off to get me to drop 10k on dental shit. Just looking for a second opinion here.
I had an uneven bite and overbite before. Getting braces did fix these problems for me, but other jaw issues coincidentally arose after my treatment such as my tmj. Not saying they're directly correlated, but this is my experience.

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