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Active member
Aug 11, 2024
To the people who have had braces and finished wearing them did your jaw change in any way? I'm gonna get braces soon and I'm curious if this is gonna change the shape of my jaw. And is it permanent? I have a slight overbite, super little. On a scale on how severe it is it's a 2/10.
i still have braces on rn

i had an overbite and mild recession, both are fixed now. my brow ridge is equally aligned to my chin (on the frankfurt and glabella-chin plane) and people said that my maxilla would be recessed but its not
in general my bones seem to be good

as for the retainers i dont want a permanent one, i will try to get a temporary option

braces are painful tho, they cut your mouth and they hurt a few days after each tightening

i used elastics too btw
i still have braces on rn

i had an overbite and mild recession, both are fixed now. my brow ridge is equally aligned to my chin (on the frankfurt and glabella-chin plane) and people said that my maxilla would be recessed but its not
in general my bones seem to be good

as for the retainers i dont want a permanent one, i will try to get a temporary option

braces are painful tho, they cut your mouth and they hurt a few days after each tightening

i used elastics too btw
Them people said they say LeBron James hairline eating a quesadilla made out of Nicki Minaj silicone and Rick Ross stretch marks
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i still have braces on rn

i had an overbite and mild recession, both are fixed now. my brow ridge is equally aligned to my chin (on the frankfurt and glabella-chin plane) and people said that my maxilla would be recessed but its not
in general my bones seem to be good

as for the retainers i dont want a permanent one, i will try to get a temporary option

braces are painful tho, they cut your mouth and they hurt a few days after each tightening

i used elastics too btw
Well it sounds like it did benefit you alot so good to hear. Yeah the part about it cutting the insides sounds so painful.

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