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Discussion Calculate your SMV


emeraldglass on
Jan 21, 2024
Western Europe - Moroccan Muslim
Check out this website: and fill everything out honestly. Then, post your score so we can compare our results.

It calculates your SMV (sexual market value), which factors in your looks, wealth, and other elements to give you an idea of where you stand in the dating/sexual market.

Here's mine
it's tough for a male to get a high score on this website. Social media influence hit me the hardest, but I still got a decent number. Don't try to lie because I'll be able to tell based on your outcome. I am maxed out in many areas, yet still only reached this score. If you get something like a 9, you're probably a superstar Chad, model, or billionaire which means you are lying.

@sigma @Clone @pompompurino @fable @Whitepill @girlfailure @RAJ GHRANDHICK @maria12 @d6rk.knight @n9wiff @Slicer @Jova
Check out this website: and fill everything out honestly. Then, post your score so we can compare our results.

It calculates your SMV (sexual market value), which factors in your looks, wealth, and other elements to give you an idea of where you stand in the dating/sexual market.

Here's mine
View attachment 40549
it's tough for a male to get a high score on this website. Social media influence hit me the hardest, but I still got a decent number. Don't try to lie because I'll be able to tell based on your outcome. I am maxed out in many areas, yet still only reached this score. If you get something like a 9, you're probably a superstar Chad, model, or billionaire which means you are lying.

@sigma @Clone @pompompurino @fable @Whitepill @girlfailure @RAJ GHRANDHICK @maria12 @d6rk.knight @n9wiff @Slicer @Jova
Nah, I got a 2.2. OVER :(
Check out this website: and fill everything out honestly. Then, post your score so we can compare our results.

It calculates your SMV (sexual market value), which factors in your looks, wealth, and other elements to give you an idea of where you stand in the dating/sexual market.

Here's mine
View attachment 40549
it's tough for a male to get a high score on this website. Social media influence hit me the hardest, but I still got a decent number. Don't try to lie because I'll be able to tell based on your outcome. I am maxed out in many areas, yet still only reached this score. If you get something like a 9, you're probably a superstar Chad, model, or billionaire which means you are lying.

@sigma @Clone @pompompurino @fable @Whitepill @girlfailure @RAJ GHRANDHICK @maria12 @d6rk.knight @n9wiff @Slicer @Jova
truthfully speaking, i got a 6. still over. 10 or nothing :(
Check out this website: and fill everything out honestly. Then, post your score so we can compare our results.

It calculates your SMV (sexual market value), which factors in your looks, wealth, and other elements to give you an idea of where you stand in the dating/sexual market.

Here's mine
View attachment 40549
it's tough for a male to get a high score on this website. Social media influence hit me the hardest, but I still got a decent number. Don't try to lie because I'll be able to tell based on your outcome. I am maxed out in many areas, yet still only reached this score. If you get something like a 9, you're probably a superstar Chad, model, or billionaire which means you are lying.

@sigma @Clone @pompompurino @fable @Whitepill @girlfailure @RAJ GHRANDHICK @maria12 @d6rk.knight @n9wiff @Slicer @Jova
Lebron James smv mogs all.


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  • #43
The only real pill that is the truth is the emerald pill. EVERY FUCKING THING MATTERS. All possibilities matter; everything that could apply automatically becomes important, so everything matters. You don't know what kind of woman or man you're dealing with, so you can't prepare yourself with a specific pill. It's best to be generally good at everything to maximize your chances. There, that is the one and only pill: the emerald pill.
The only real pill that is the truth is the emerald pill. EVERY FUCKING THING MATTERS. All possibilities matter; everything that could apply automatically becomes important, so everything matters. You don't know what kind of woman or man you're dealing with, so you can't prepare yourself with a specific pill. It's best to be generally good at everything to maximize your chances. There, that is the one and only pill: the emerald pill.
First time hearing of emerald pill to many pills man to keep up with

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