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Can a face get any more uncanny?

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Looks good. Also looks gay
I have 90 degrees angle so no matter what I do I won’t look good tbh. I am getting a bimax with ccw when I turn 18.( I am 17 ) . This was me at 16 when I tried starvemaxxing to see how I would look without fat. Yeah… people called me uncanny af
You need to grow a beard in the style of a 1940s black and white film Wolfman, or maybe that of dominant orangutan flanges. Also train neck, especially lateral neck muscles, at accentuate widemaxxing into a truly uncanny phenotype.

Shitposting aside, good jaw, neck is a bit thin, unless you're balding you should go for a hairstyle that shows off your hairline and maybe something that makes your face look taller. Perhaps a high fade on sides and back where the taper on top does a bit of a mohawk.

A beard averages out your jawline, you have a good one so go clean shaven instead.

If you're short, violencemaxx - take wrestling classes and try not to injure yourself for a few years, then move to a striking art like muay thai or kickboxing.

Most women will consider being brown a demerit but if you can fight and then you will at least get a starter model gf and you can trade up from there via hypergamy.

If you have a career which allows it, consider neck or facial tattoos to impress sluts.
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