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Can anyone rate my progress 1/10

yeah, ik, he has flat maxilla
i was thinking if he boosts T and gets optimal bone development it could result in some growth
yeah agreed, but I think that even then after that he’d still be recessed in both jaws.

orthodontics and surgery is the way to go
will i still grow? I'm 16 and turning 17 this year
it depends on your parents heights and your current height, how tall are you

your growth plates are likely still somewhat open, so you can maybe get another inch or two
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it depends on your parents heights and your current height, how tall are you

your growth plates are likely still somewhat open, so you can maybe get another inch or tw
What about
good height, you can even still grow 1-2 inches

get good sleep and eat enough protein, you’ll be good for height
Btw, can i have cheatdays? im scared sweets might fuck up my testo
yeah, ik, he has flat maxilla
i was thinking if he boosts T and gets optimal bone development it could result in some growth
No maxilla

Its ethnic flat maxilla of asians
What about

Btw, can i have cheatdays? im scared sweets might f**k up my testo
I take cheat days occasionally, just do it like 1-2 times a month at most

you can eat sweets on your cheat days but I’d stay away from alcohol and really high calorie foods
yeah, ik, he has flat maxilla
i was thinking if he boosts T and gets optimal bone development it could result in some growth
Forward growth has genetic limit, Bimax isn't good for people with asiatic makeup because the entire maxilla is recessed, Bimax is only including the lower maxilla. Lefort 2 which is fucked as hell and dangerous would be the only thing that could move the entire maxilla forward. Also Flat maxilla isn't a failo for asians.
Forward growth has genetic limit, Bimax isn't good for people with asiatic makeup because the entire maxilla is recessed, Bimax is only including the lower maxilla. Lefort 2 which is f****d as hell and dangerous would be the only thing that could move the entire maxilla forward. Also Flat maxilla isn't a failo for asians.
yeah there is a genetic limit
ideal maxilla should provide proper bite, tooth support, and breathing
recessed maxilla narrows the airway, causing mouth breathing and sleep problems, and also provides less space for teeth and causes crowding and misalignment. in general foward growth is important

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